A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Valentine’s Day: Cereal ‘Candy’ Necklaces

This is the most delicious project for kids. Did you used to love candy necklaces back when? I thought they were so cool as a kid. We first made these diy ‘candy’ necklaces (out of cereal) for Liv’s 3rd birthday party, but the project didn’t really have a moderator and was overlooked by the busy bunch of three-year-olds. I didn’t mind, ‘let’s play chase!’ can sometimes be much more compelling :-).

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

At party’s end though, I did end up with a couple of large boxes of Fruit Loops and an itch to attempt this cute idea once more. When Leslie suggested Valentine’s Day on that same party post, I was already thinking of the same idea and took that comment as confirmation that these were the perfect little treats for Liv’s preschool friends!

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

‘I Cereal-ously Think You’re a Great Friend’. Hahahaha, get it? Oh to be a punny Valentine’s Day writer…

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

Feeling ahead of the game this year (and having three glorious hours to sit and do nothing but eat), I got a head start on these necklaces during the Super Bowl.

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

I’m surprised at the above picture. I never, ever have a manicure. Oh the little luxuries that disappear with kids…

My Super Bowl solution was a muffin tin to hold the necklaces, but the prettier version from Liv’s birthday included little colorful cups that we had pre sorted (Liv’s favorite getting-ready-for-the-party job).

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

Supplies included a box of Fruit Loops (Kellogs doesn’t really spell it ‘Froot Loops’, do they? We didn’t eat these sorts of sugary cereals growing up – though I did eat like half of the box while making these), elastic, cellophane treat bags (similar to these), printed labels and a stapler.

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

You can download a sheet of the printed labels that I created here, I printed them on photo paper for an especially crisp look.

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

Liv practiced her name on the back of each before we stapled the bags shut and used double sided sticky tape to attach the labels (you could also just stable the folded label over the top of the treat bag, too).

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

Valentine's Day 'Candy' Necklaces Made with Cereal | PepperDesignBlog.com

This project reminds me quite a bit of this and this one (still adore both!), I clearly have a thing for these little cellophane treat bags. Here’s a link to our one-eyed monster cards from last year and another for all of the Valentine’s themed projects shared on the blog.

Big thanks to my mum who suggested this project back in January and inspired these cute Valentines.

Friday Guest Blog Interview: Alison of Deuce Cities Henhouse

Guest Blog Interview: Deuce Cities Henhouse | PepperDesignBlog.com

This has been such a busy week, so busy that I can’t believe that it’s almost over. But I am equally thrilled that it’s time for a little rest and rejuvenation :).

I love to share Friday guest blog interview posts with you because I love to share really great finds (read more about those here). Today I’d love to give a warm welcome to Alison from Deuce Cities Henhouse who is joining me to answer the usual five design & inspiration questions, and to share her vintage modern style and photos of her amazing home. I love (love) this girl’s home. So much about her 100-year-old casa speaks to me. There is something about the art of decorating something so old that is both exciting and incredibly daunting. I never feel that we do our 1930’s bungalow justice – and it makes me happy when I get to be inspired by bloggers that do do the old thing so well.

Guest Blog Interview: Deuce Cities Henhouse | PepperDesignBlog.com

Guest Blog Interview: Deuce Cities Henhouse | PepperDesignBlog.com

I originally noticed Alison’s home when I caught a sneak peek of her music room and that amazing wallpaper. The rest of her home is filled with beautiful patterns, a mix of modern & mid-century furniture, gorgeous green house plants and even a Franco Albini wicker ottoman (yep, Alison’s living room was one of the photos from here).

Alison (who goes by Scoops – awesome) is mom to Gus & Finn, majored in photography (hence all of the pretty pictures) and named her blog after the Twin Cities (her hometown).

Head on over to the full interview to see more house shots and read about Alison’s favorite tips and inspiration – plus an awesome DIY project that she recently tackled.

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Holiday Cards Become Next Year’s Gift Tags

Repurposing Holiday Cards for Gift Tags | PepperDesignBlog.com

I recently came across the idea of recycling Christmas cards into gift tags in Martha Stewart Living and decided to try it out. I love receiving holiday cards – it’s truly one of those joys of Christmas that I most look forward to. It’s like old school, once-a-year Facebook. You get to check in with friends and family via smiling faces and a few kind words – it’s a little peek into what’s going on in their lives. Families that you haven’t seen in years still feel part of your world because of that little card. I also love that I feel like I’m reconnecting all season long by displaying their Christmas card in full view somewhere in the house.

It seems silly to waste so many beautiful, well-designed cards at the close of the holidays…

Reusing Holiday Cards for Gift Tags | PepperDesignBlog.com

So I pulled all of my craft punches, bakers twine and ribbon bits from my craft drawers to create holiday tags for next year. I already feel ahead of the game (I’m on a roll this year).

After cutting out favorite words or patterns, I used a simple slip knot on most so that I could either tie or tape the tag onto a future present:

Repurposing Holiday Cards for Gift Tags | PepperDesignBlog.com

Now I’ll put them all into a little ziplock baggie and throw them into my Christmas box out in the garage to be discovered in 11 months!

Recycling Holiday Cards into Gift Tags | PepperDesignBlog.com

Whoever thought up the idea of Christmas cards was really on to something… some of the relationships I have with friends from back in college, high school or even grade school exist because we swap cards of our families. I dig that we still get to stay connected and I LOVE the excuse for our family to take a family photo once a year (even if labeling, hunting down new addresses, mailing and all of that is such a pain). Can’t wait to find these sure-to-be-forgotten-about tags next year, we’ll see if reusing these cards as gift tags was worth the effort.

Do you display your holiday cards for a while or pull them down right after Christmas? I’m feeling like I took mine down a little earlier this year…

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