A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Adventures in Australia… Part 2


We’ve made it back to Sydney from the beautiful and very stunning Queensland coast (up there at the north eastern end of Australia) and I have a few fun pictures to share from our adventures.

It was far too little time in a place so incredibly gorgeous, but oddly enough we had the entire territory practically to ourselves. Rumor has it the Christmas wave of ‘holiday-ers’ comes in just about the time we headed back down south.


So above is our snorkeling destination — the husband is a certified diver but for some frankly frustrating reason my ears and equilibrium will not let me drop below 20 feet, so I stuck to snorkeling. It was wonderful regardless! The world below our beautiful shores is teaming with life — I wish we had the opportunity to spot THESE in California, but I felt incredibly humbled to be able to spend the afternoon with them here instead.


and these as well…


A family of five came chasing after our boat thoroughly enjoying the big wake we had created. WOW. They hung with us for nearly 20 minutes before swimming off to find another playmate. Continue reading

DIY New Year’s Eve *Crackers*


Here’s a neat idea for this New Year’s Eve. If you’re hosting a get-together or dinner party consider this thoughtful treat for your guests — a homemade party cracker! Danielle and Centsational Girl share how.


This decorative tube (an empty paper towel holder in this case) is usually filled with little knick knacks (paper crowns, fortune messages, small toys…) and is wrapped in bright shiny colors. Tradition holds that two people pull from each end of the cracker until it *pops*, emptying out the contents. Continue reading

A *Sweet* Buffet for a Very Merry Christmas


While Christmas has come and gone here in beautiful Sydney, I wanted to share one last treat from my favorite holiday… especially since I *technically* have one more day to celebrate in my home town time zone!

Amy Atlas does a fabulous job again, this time for the O Magazine holiday party and Gayle King!


The lavender and cherry color palette is an unusual and beautiful one — I could imagine using these for a New Years Eve celebration as well. I especially love the vase tied in ribbons and bows, and the little custom ‘popcorn’ boxes (could be filled with any favorite candy).


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