A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Rooms Inspired by the Month of February

Rooms Inspired by February, Pink, Red 5

Are you ready for spring yet? While it may be just around the corner, these clean and fresh looks inspired by the month of February couldn’t come at a more perfect time! A bit of winter… a bright, brilliant shot of pink or red calling in the spring… that’s what February is all about.

Rooms Inspired by February, Pink, Red 6

Making it Lovely has achieved the ‘February look’ spot on. How sweet is her homemade abode? I love Nicole’s pink chevron living room rug and that big, wonderful chair.


The best part? Nicole’s significant other doesn’t mind the pink a bit – in fact she notes in her blog that he casually defers to her for nearly all design queries (lucky), and she’s created a perfectly lovely space by incorporating the shade!

Rooms Inspired by February, Pink, Red 3

Graham and Green above (via 6th Street Design School) takes home decor love to a new level with cozy pillows and year-round affection.

More Rooms Inspired by February after the jump! Continue reading

Event Inspiration Board: {Teal, Fuchsia & Lemon}

2 teal, turquoise, fuschia, orange, lemon, yellow shower party inspiration

Welcome back to PDB’s second event decor inspiration board challenge. This is a little opportunity to share my favorite ideas for events emailed in by PDB readers! See round one (delightful green & grey bridal shower) for the start of it all. If you’d like to submit a party request – check out the About PDB page for email information! With so much going on over here in blogland, I’m hoping to step it up a notch to feature several more reader inspiration boards each month.

{Here’s the breakdown for today’s challenge}

EVENT: Bridal shower in April

THEME: Teal, fuchsia & lemon yellow

BUDGET: Under $200 for 20 guests

1 teal, turquoise, fuschia, orange, lemon, yellow shower party inspiration

This shower was especially fun to pull together – my only criteria was to involve rich and colorful shades that made for a light-hearted and fun palette. With oh-so-many colors that fit that description, it was difficult to narrow down the choices… but I kept gravitating back towards a teal, fuchsia and lemon theme that at first glance appeared too bold and drastic… but I love the end result!

My suggestions:

DECOR: I love the look of these simple teal vintage vases featured on Style Me Pretty {you’re sure to find a thrift store similar look, even in a clear or white variety} filled with single bunches of tulips and roses. The yellow poms are perfect as well! These raffia drink stirrers by Martha are the perfect addition to a signature pink grapefruit cocktail {see below}. While Lollipop Events & Designs has nailed an ideal pattern for chair covers (it fits each of our colors!) I would be equally happy tying in a similar remnant strip as a table runner. I love Amy Butler’s coreopsis pattern {bottom of post} as another option.

3 teal, turquoise, fuschia, orange, lemon, yellow shower party inspiration

WHAT TO SERVE: With our budget in mind, let’s keep it simple! Scheduling a shower at 3pm, for example, implies that you’re serving appetizers only and that guests should eat lunch prior to arriving. Give these Honey Fruit Tartletts and Cream Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms a try, along with a fruit and aged cheese tray with labels that match your raffia drink poms. A dessert bar is sure to win the hearts of all – these cupcakes by April Reed are pure eye-candy, but also offer delicious diy inspiration. Rock candy, lemon drops and homemade sugar cookies are dessert buffet options that fit within the color scheme. Use your extra vintage thrift store finds as containers or simple white platters and plates. A small and classy buffet is perfect for a shower!

Teal, turquoise, yellow, orange party inspiration shower 4

Oh that was easy! I hope you enjoyed this quick breakdown and that the next time you’re looking for great baby or bridal shower ideas, you’ll give teal, fuchsia and yellow a try. Can’t wait to see the final event!

Cost breakdown:

-Table linens: $40 (neutral table cloths and remnant diy runners – no need to sew! try an ironed hem – in a patterned fabric)
-Centerpieces: $40 (vintage vases with mini bouquets of fresh flowers)
-Appetizers: $50 (tartletts, stuffed mushrooms with a fruit & aged cheese platter)
-Signature drink: $30 (pink grapefruit cocktail with handmade raffia poms)
-Dessert bar: $40 (candy, cupcakes and cookies)


For more shower inspiration check out the ‘Entertaining’ button up there in the left hand sidebar, or click here. Happy Tuesday!

Friday Guest Blog Interview: All Things Lovely

Friday Guest Blog Interview: All Things Lovely

Welcome back to PDB’s Friday Guest Blog Interview series! The blogging world is so darn amazing… there are so many wonderful people in this great big world that share some of the neatest inspirations and projects. I hope you don’t mind my weekly interruptions to share some of my favorites… and I think you’ll really like this one.

This blog needs little in the ways of an introduction… the name alone is enough to giveaway how sweet Kylie’s daily stories and projects are! In Kylie’s words… All Things Lovely “is a collection of things I’ve been making, ideas I like and all things that I find lovely.” She spends her days in the beautiful city of Sydney, Australia (and I am oh-so-jealous), being crafty and playing with her labrador, Indiana.

Friday Guest Blog Interview: All Things Lovely Refashions

I found this special blog through the above DIY lampshade refashion last year. I used it for my own bedroom lampshades and was so pleased with how they turned out!

Stop in for a peak at Kylie’s Etsy store, Avonlea Designs, to see her creations first hand. She also designs beautiful handmade invitations through her online company: Little Bird Blue.

BUT before you jump out to the blog, check out Kylie’s answers to PDB’s four Q’s (which I can’t help but read in a delightful Australian accent) and take a peak into her crafty workspace.
Continue reading

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