A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Friday Guest Blog Interview: Creative Hostess!

Last Friday’s Guest Blog Interview took us across the Pacific to Australia, today’s brings us around to the other side of the world and into the home of Creative Hostess, where Jenin shares her ideas and inspiration for kids parties and baby showers from the UK (new update: just last week Jenin moved with her family from the UK to the Caribbean! jealousy to ensue…).

Jenin has captured her niche perfectly – you would be hard-pressed to find a more delectable and inspiring collection of inspiration boards and ‘real parties’ for everything kids and baby.

In Jenin’s own words: “Creative Hostess seeks to provide ideas & inspiration to help you create fabulous & memorable children’s parties & baby showers (simply because I have a 2 year old bundle of fun!), because when everything else is gone, the wonderful memories will remain.”

Jenin launched Creative Hostess after losing her young sister in April of 2009, “that made me realise how essential it is to celebrate life, and the ones we love… it’s so important to take time to celebrate life’s moments, to share & enjoy time with friends & family, & to make every event special & memorable.”

A quick trip out to her magazine-style blog transforms you to a world of diy cupcake designs, color-coordinated princess & construction parties, and sweet-themed baby showers for every style of mummy-to-be.

Follow the jump for Jenin’s answers to PDB’s four interview questions, and don’t forget to check out the wonderful party inspiration boards she has assembled and shared (everything from an Ice Princess theme to Marie Antoinette and the book Good Night Gorilla!) – plenty of eye candy to go around. Continue reading

This Weekend: Flea Market Round-Up

Designing DNA has asked me to share a special announcement with you: this weekend they are hosting a ‘virtual’ event to benefit victims of Hurricane Katrina and floods in Atlanta (because sadly, there is still much destruction and redevelopment underway for many of those who lost their homes).

The benefit is called Flea Market Round-Up and if you love perusing a good flea market, then you’ll love the virtual version from your comfy living room couch! I’m in.

“Tables” have been reserved by crafters, designers and home decor bloggers – jump out to Designing DNA this weekend (March 20 & 21) for a little shop-till-you’re-ready-to-change-out-of-your-pjs fun. All proceeds go to the re-build program of Samaritan’s Purse. More info here.

And since we’re in announcement mode, the Vintage Paper Parade giveaway ends tomorrow night!

Before & After: Breeanna’s Dresser & Nightstand

When Breeanna, of Simply Elegance, sent over these amazing pictures of her recent dresser & nightstand project, I couldn’t wait to share them with you!

The first is an antique piece turned art room ready with a new shabby chic purple paint job, the addition of baskets where there used to be drawers (brilliant! this was accomplished by adding a thin sheet of plywood where the old drawers used to slide in), and by adding a few art supply organizers on top. For step-by-step directions in the form of pictures, jump out to the full post here.

Breeanna’s second project for the craft room was a nightstand makeover (she found this one for only $2!). Didn’t she do a great job?

For step-by-step directions, here is a link to the full post.

AND Simply Elegance is hosting a lovely Emersonmade. giveaway (if you’ve never heard of the store, I highly suggest a look-see – it’s lovely!), so be sure to check it out!

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