A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Fun Inspiration: Robot Kids Party!

Check out this super-adorable Robot Party that Chenin over at Boutwell Studio recently threw for her son’s 1st birthday.

Each detail was carefully planned for Maxfield’s special day… from the handmade paper bunting and birthday sign to the robot party garland.

In Chenin’s words: “I think my favorite project was the flower vases, which I made out of recycled glass jars and dryer ducting.  We also had a Make-Your-Own-Robot Station, where kids (and adults, it turns out….) could choose a blank paper robot and decorate him.”

“Grace from Sweet Gems made the adorable cake… We had Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots for the kids to play and each child got to take one of these paper robot boxes home, which were filled with stickers, wind up robots and Pop Rocks.”

Oh how fun! I love the theme and all of the special details… what a neat kids party this would make at any age. Thanks, Chenin!

{Vintage Nesting} Paper Flower Chandelier Tutorial

One of my favorite diy projects for this shower (Part 1 & Part 2) included handmade flowers and a big white chandelier to hang over the main table. Each flower was easy to assemble and when scattered about the table, dessert buffet or attached to long, gold ribbon they gave a vintage, rustic vibe.

The chandelier was a collage of handmade flowers hanging just below and inside the large white lampshade (a thrift store find at just $1) in place of a light bulb. I used the same gold ribbon to balance the shade above the table and also to hang the flower cluster from the inside of the chandelier.

In addition to hanging the flowers from up above, small clusters were grouped on the tables and elsewhere around the party.

Making the flowers was simple. I collected specialty paper from stores such as Paper Source, Michaels and even my local Artists & Craftsman. I especially love the large rolls of handmade paper for their texture and variety.

For complete diy instructions and more step-by-step pictures, follow the jump. Continue reading

Cardstore *Giveaway* Winner!

Congratulations to Marissa for winning PDB’s Cardstore.com giveaway! Enjoy your $50 gift card for custom invitations and beautiful stationery for your next event.

Thank you to everyone for entering!

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