A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

A Fresh & Bubbly Good Morning Cocktail

Happy 1st of April! No April Fool’s joke for you today, just a really great drink to try. :)

We have been getting a plethora of grapefruit in our csa box as of late and I haven’t known what to do with it. Often it’s too tangy or bitter for me to reach for in the morning (I end up dumping a cup of sugar on a halved grapefruit) and too time consuming to wedge for a salad (I have the best of intentions to try something like this or this before the season’s over). So they’re stacking up like crazy in my fruit bowl.

But! I have recently discovered something wonderful. I really love grapefruit juice – especially if there’s just a teaspoon of sugar in it (to make the medicine go down, the medicine go down…).

A Good Morning! Grapefruit Cocktail | PepperDesignBlog.com

I made the perfect Sunday brunch cocktail the other day out of a few of them. It was sort of a greyhound-meets-champagne cocktail blend and it was quite the morning wake up in that perfect freshly squeezed, sweet-but-tangy way. If you use the right vodka, you might not even realize that you’re drinking before noon.

A Good Morning! Grapefruit & Champagne Cocktail | PepperDesignBlog.com

A Grapefruit & Champagne Cocktail

1 part top shelf vodka
1 part freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
1 part tonic water
1 tsp sugar (adjust to taste)
Splash of champagne

In a shaker mix grapefruit juice, vodka, sugar and ice well. Pour mixture over a cup of ice cubes, add tonic water and finish with a heavy splash of bubbly.

A Good Morning! Grapefruit Cocktail | PepperDesignBlog.com

For me, the secret to citrus fruit cocktails is in the freshly squeezed juice. There’s just something about that straight-from-the-source taste…

A Good Morning! Grapefruit Cocktail | PepperDesignBlog.com

A Good Morning! Grapefruit Cocktail | PepperDesignBlog.com

By juicing a quart or so of grapefruit juice in advance you could easily mix up a batch for friends for a midday brunch. I keep using words like ‘tangy’ but I promise that this is such a yummy drink and one that pulls all of the sweetness out of this pink, citrusy, spring fruit. You will not be disappointed!

PS did you know that the grapefruit was named because it tends to grow in clumps, mimicking grapes but in trees? Also, my new favorite cocktail glasses are actually these candles when they cease to exist being candles. Double duty.

PPS the perfect lavender french toast to serve these with for a spring brunch. More good eats of all kinds, plus a night cocktail and an afternoon cocktail (just to round you out). 

Random Thoughts: On Motherhood & Play

Random Thoughts on Motherhood | PepperDesignBlog.com

Let’s talk motherhood for a moment. I’m 3 years into this game and my world constantly changes. It’s not my day job or our diy home or the too-busy-of-a-schedule that we keep that keeps me on my toes. It’s being a mother that, on most days, I find most challenging and most exhausting.

It’s for all of the right reasons. It’s because it’s something that I’m rather new at. Everything is novel, every stage of development is mystifying and rewarding. Going about all of the phases a second time with Taylor feels much more manageable. But having two brings the novelty back!

I am, admittedly, not very great at imaginary play, which is very much a part of the stage of development we are in at this moment. I become too distracted by everything else I feel I should be doing. And I get bored. (Shhhhh… don’t tell anyone.) Because I like to live life on caffeine and at a very fast pace and cooking pretend soup or running a pretend school lesson for the 50th time in an hour is the opposite of that.

I feel the joy that Liv emanates when I become a part of her world though and that makes me warm and fuzzy inside, so I give in.

My ideal play time with the girls? Trips to explore, discover or create. It could be walking to our local park while examining the rocks, pinecones and flowers along the way, or the zoo where we talk about why flamingos are pink and monkeys live in trees (we have passes which makes it easy to ‘drop in’) or the Children’s Art Museum where ‘create’ is at the very core.

Random Thoughts on Motherhood | PepperDesignBlog.com


More on motherhood that I’m reveling in at the moment…

6 words to say to your child
How one dad took his son’s pretend play to the next level (wow)
Developing a family culture (still trying to put into words what our family’s ‘charism’ is)
I think about being a working mom and I think about THIS book (weird, I know, but one of my favorites)
And because pretend play is really so great for developing the imagination, body and brain, here are 5 tricks to help embrace it


What types of activities do you enjoy when it comes to your kids and play? Dressing up? Pirates and princesses? Long walks, art projects or science experiments? I’m always looking for new ideas.

PS more on motherhood on the blog here, and more random thoughts here.

PPS reader Sylvia created a beautiful gender reveal celebration for the newest member of her family based off of ours for T. She caught the highlights on camera in this sweet video, check it out.

Guest Blog Interview: Going Home to Roost

Guest Blog Interview: Going Home to Roost | PepperDesignBlog.com

I have a wonderful blog to share with you all today. This post is coming to you a day earlier than it usually might because I’m moving away from posting guest blog interviews only on Fridays to loosen up my editorial calendar just a little bit. An experiment of sorts :).

I’ve shared Roost Tribe with you all before and it remains to be one of my favorite sources for beautiful illustrations to share here on the blog or to incorporate into my graphic design work. Imagine my happy surprise (I shouldn’t have been surprised, really) to discover that Bonnie of Going Home to Roost has one of the most lovely, light-filled, handmade homes I’ve come across. Her blog is a delicious mix of design inspiration, handmade ideas (quilts, patterns, recipes), tutorials and green living. I’ve been a follower for just about a year now.

Guest Blog Interview: Going Home to Roost | PepperDesignBlog.com

And she is just as lovely to communicate and collaborate with as she appears :). I am delighted that she has taken a few moments to share her thoughts on home and design today on the blog.

Guest Blog Interview: Going Home to Roost | PepperDesignBlog.com

Guest Blog Interview: Going Home to Roost | PepperDesignBlog.com

Keep reading for more on where she pulls her inspiration from, what’s one of her favorite parts of her job, three tips to keep your personal inspiration going and her latest diy home project (love).

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