A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Grow, Baby, Grow!

I have some big news to share! Much celebrating has been going on over here at the casa as we finally break ground on the new kitchen, finish up decorating a few of the main rooms in the house… and begin excitedly preparing for Baby S!

Remember a while back during our 3rd anniversary post that I casually mentioned getting ready for the next big surprise in our life? I was trying so hard not to spill the beans… but our big surprise is on it’s way!

Here’s my month-by-month photoshoot of the growing belly (month 2 leaves me looking for a sign of something… anything…) but it wasn’t until month three that the growing grapefruit (actual size, so I read) decided to make a little appearance. We thought it might be fun to chronicle the changes of a nine month adventure and so I purchased this pair of maternity jeans and an extra-stretchy black top early on. Here’s hoping I still fit in them by month nine?? We take photo number four this week!

DIY Curtain Rods – A Quick Fix for $2

The living room is coming along great and I was so excited to find tan, neutral curtains from West Elm on clearance. The wool fabric adds a bit of texture to the walls, allows enough light to filter though and blends in well with our choice of paint – this will help with any future decor changes since beige works with almost every color and fits right into our living room inspiration board.

The only thing that kept me from happily covered windows were a few basic curtain rods and a bit of drilling. I found faux rod iron curtain rods from Target and thought they might just do the trick while also keeping costs low. But a bend in the center of each collapsible rod (and the little plastic gizmo that keeps the two poles connected) has been driving me crazy… I promise that it’s much more annoying than what this picture shows! So I sought out a quick curtain rod fix via Lowes.

I needed a solution that was longer than 36″, would fit well with my current end caps and had a smaller diameter than the brackets that were already drilled into the walls. After a bit of perusing, 1/2″ wooden dowels seemed like the perfect fit.

The next step was to cover each dowel with two layers of basic black spray paint. This left me with two dull looking dowels that didn’t match the sheen of my curtain rod end caps. So over the black paint went a thick layer of clear high gloss spray paint left over from another project that made those poles shine.

I wasn’t so sure of my plan after coat number one… but as soon as the glossy paint was applied, the end caps popped on and the panels re-hung, we were pretty happy with the finished result.

And no more bend! (Does the right side of the curtain look a wee bit higher to anyone else?) An easy fix for $1.75 per window.

I’m currently working on diy curtains for the bedroom as well – a little pvc piping, a few drawer pulls for end caps, a bit of paint… we’ll see if the finished project stands up to the industry standard!

Side note if you try this out yourself: After having purchased the dowels I found that each end of the Target rod was a different diameter, and thus so were the caps – they do this so that the rod can easily collapse in on itself. Plan on using a little bit of sand paper to shimmy on one of the end caps to each rod.

Friday Guest Blog Interview: Pizzazzerie

Today’s guest interview is all about the party… from fabulous celebration inspiration to great gift guides Pizzazzerie (and the delightful creator behind it) shares delicious party details on a very well organized site (I love that).

Courtney, who’s self-proclaimed favorite dessert is vanilla cupcakes, designed Pizzazzerie after a growing love of entertaining for family and friends during college. She shares that her love of entertaining comes “from the pure joy of hosting parties that create memories”, and her site is full of oodles of memory-making inspiration.

{Pizzazz: An attractive combination of energy and style.}

While you’re on the site, be sure to check out the great Paperie Guide, adorable Children’s Parties and beautiful Wedding Showcases but together by a collection of contributing writers.

Follow me as we jump out to the full interview, including Courtney’s favorite party trends, her three party must-have suggestions and how she describes her design style! Continue reading

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