A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Good Eats: Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes!

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

Liv attends a cute little preschool in our neighborhood on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. It’s a small school that we walk to (which is amazing) with a very active parent community, and one of the requests of students is that families take turn providing a snack for the entire class.

Recently they have been learning about what grows in the ground and where their veggies come from, so I thought that it would be fun to put together a snack that might spur more learning conversation. And maybe a few giggles for extra credit.

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

How much better are carrots or radishes when they’re growing out of a muffin?

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

The process was very simple. I found whole carrots with stems still attached, peeled them down to just 1-2″ lengths and threw together a boxed muffin mix the day before preschool.

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

I wish I could say that I made the muffins from scratch, but alas they were actually a banana bread mix with a cup of chocolate cake mix for color (brown dirt, that is). Bran muffins would have been perfect. I added raisins and my carrot peelings to make them a bit healthier. Walnuts or pecans would have made a great addition but the preschool is a no nut school.

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

Once the muffins cooled I simply pressed my carrots and radishes into place.

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

So simple and so fun. Liv was so excited to help bake these, though she asked me if she could bring ‘just carrot muffins’ for her friends and I obliged. For some reason she didn’t think the radishes would go over so well…

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

A last-minute addition the morning of included adding popsicle sticks as veggie markers. Just as if we planted the little carrot seedlings ourselves.

Spring Veggie Growing Cupcakes | PepperDesignBlog.com

Speaking of planting, Liv and I started tomato and beets from seeds almost two months ago and I’m excited to get them into the ground soon. Maybe even this week! It’s been fun to organize activities that coincide with what she’s learning in school and I’m looking forward to doing more of that at home. For ‘bug week’ we made something similar to the above but with gummy earthworms crawling out of pumpkin muffins :).

Random Thoughts: Today I’m Grateful for Distractions (and Belly Laughs)

This has been a busy week. Not unusually busy, but a little crazy nonetheless. 

It’s moments like this that I catch myself focusing inward when what I really need is a good distraction from the outside. That change of perspective helps me to recognize and love all of the little pieces of my day in a new way (even the moments where I stare at that pile of to-dos and groan).

Here’s an outward action that I can focus on at any time to lighten my load: laughter.

And not just giggles (though those are awesome), but full on belly laughs. Laughter that fills a room to its edges and that erupts in free spirit. Liv is excellent at those, especially when they’re spurred on by a certain someone.

Belly Laughs | PepperDesignBlog.com

Laughter is like sunshine for the soul. Even if it’s not me crying from laughter but I’m witnessing it – that’s the best.

Taylor is almost there. She cracks up at the most random things, and her belly laughs cause her whole body to shake. It’s totally contagious. I can’t wait until I understand what the heck she thinks is so funny.

Oh man, when’s the last time you had a good belly laugh? Are those not the greatest?

PS are you hitting your laughing quota? Is the 15:1 adult to kid laughter ratio really true??

Master Bedroom & Bath: Inspiration

Nothing is solidified as of yet (we don’t even really have a timeline in place), but there is talk around here of getting on that master bathroom remodel.

Master Bathroom Inspiration Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

The plan is to tear down the wall between the older bath in the house and our bedroom. The rooms would officially integrate into one large space with a soaking tub between the two.

House Floor Plan | PepperDesignBlog.com

The above is a layout of our home at the moment. When we purchased the house it had one full bath (#1) and one half bath (#3). Anticipating this master bedroom/bath conversion, we built the second full bath (#2) two years ago – almost to the day, actually – for guests and the kids’ room.

The closet and half bath in the master bedroom will disappear and the wall between the two spaces will come down. The rooms will still be divided visually by a change in flooring (the beautiful hard wood doesn’t run through the current bathroom or the closet so that will go tile all the way across) and perhaps something even architecturally, like a wide arch (which is a frequent feature in this house).

House Floor Plan with Master Ensuite | PepperDesignBlog.com

We’ll use a corner of the new bathroom (probably near where the new door will be) to create a bigger closet. Removing this last hallway closet will officially mean zero storage (with the exception of the pantry in the kitchen) in the entire house. Bah! Talk about really pairing down. The office, nursery, hallway and all bathrooms will be closet free. We’ll have to make super use of the master bedroom closet and furniture storage (which we do an okay job of now).

You can find the full Pinterest board here with all of my master bathroom ideas. I’ve been dreaming up this space for years!

Above inspiration board:

1. A green glass tile shower wall would be so beautiful. It’s hard to see in the top down layout, but the shower will be above the tub and surrounded on two sides by half glass walls, the third side is the edge of the house.

2. Round brass mirrors for over a natural wood vanity (option #2).

3. A beautiful grey & white Spanish tile for just behind the vanity area (sort of like this). More tiles I’m thinking about here.

4. Natural wood vanity + white tile pairing ideas: images onetwo and three

This new bathroom has to accomplish a few different things: it must be true to the Spanish style of this home (it’s just the right thing to do to honor the bones of this casita), it needs to bring that ‘adult’ respite space into an incredibly busy house (I’m picturing bubble baths and heated floors for momma), and in a perfect world it would stay on budget while incorporating all of those special details we’ve been dreaming up.

We’re so early in the process that this all might change… but I couldn’t wait to share the initial plans for this space. It might take a while (we still have renderings, permits and spacial planning to think about) but we’re at the start of something fun.

PS a glance back at our last full bathroom renovation adventure.

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