A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Friday Guest Blog Interview: La Dolce Vita

La Dolce Vita Guest Blog Interview - High Gloss Magazing, Mag - Pepper Design Blog

Paloma is the creative mind behind La Dolce Vita, a blog that focuses on ‘the sweet life’ of interior design, fashion, travel, food and inspiring people.

On any given day you might find musings on bold home decor, fall boot trends or an elegant table setting. I’m excited to be hosting an interview about her beautiful blog today and I know you’ll enjoy the ‘sweet’ read!

La Dolce Vita Guest Blog Interview - High Gloss Magazing, Mag - Pepper Design Blog

A bit of Paloma’s favorite inspiration

Founded in the summer of 2007, Paloma began writing as a respite for summer boredom while working as a high school Spanish teacher. In addition to the growing blog, she’s a contributing editor on Circa Lighting’s blog and is the Houston contributor for PinkMemo – an online fashion and style magazine. Finally – Paloma is launching her very own online magazine this coming January, you can read more about High Gloss here!

Paloma has ‘virtually’ sat down with PDB to share her favorite styles, the motivation behind her work and her favorite design suggestions. Follow the jump for the full interview! Continue reading

Project Nursery: Before We Moved In

As we get closer to the ‘big day’ (seven short weeks!) Kevin and I decided it was time to begin tackling the new nursery.

Little secret: I have trouble making decisions – it takes me weeks to pick out a paint color or fabric pattern let alone an entire room layout that’s full of all of the above plus furniture, etc – so deciding how to design the gender-neutral space has been especially tough. From colors to themes to styles… too many choices.

But we’re taking baby steps and and that includes tearing out all unwanted features of the current space. Here’s a quick ‘before’ of the room just prior to us moving in to the house two years ago (aka all decorating done by previous owners):

Nursery Before

And here are the must-fix-before-we-even-begin-to-decorate areas of the room:

The most unusual piece must be the built-in cabinets topped with bathroom floor tile. They span a wall of the room and probably at some point in their life served as storage, but in a pretty unattractive fashion.

Second would have to be the floral carpeting. Not that brown floral rug which was moved out by the previous owners, but the green carpet underneath covered in rose vines. Wheerrrreee do you even find that?? The rug was pulled up before moving in and wood floors were revealed underneath, it was a close one though!

On the minor side, the light fixtures needed an upgrade and the windows ultimately needed replacing and new molding. Plus the fact that there were three of them in a row meant a bit of creative covering to keep the light out during nap time.

So mission number 1 is set: tear out built-ins, work on floors, pull out light fixtures and update windows!

A Little Knit Vase DIY Project

Sweater Vase, Knit Vase, DIY, Handmade, Fall, Decoration, Mantle, Table Centerpiece

I’ve been determined to try this idea out for some time, especially after posting about Recycled Sweater Vases here. Creating my own knit covers for candle holders turned out to be one of the simplest projects to tackle!

Sweater Vase, Knit Vase, DIY, Handmade, Fall, Decoration, Mantle, Table Centerpiece

I used an assortment of class cylindrical and square vases to hold my candles, and then I purchase Goodwill knit sweaters to create snug coverings for the glass.

Sweater Vase, Knit Vase, DIY, Handmade, Fall, Decoration, Mantle, Table Centerpiece

Only one large vase required any stitching, the others slipped into the neck and sleeves of the sweaters without any trouble. Simply measure out the length of your vase on the sleeve of the sweater, cut, and slip over glass. I don’t mind the slight fray in the knitted edges, though you could fold these over to create a cuff as well.

Sweater Vase, Knit Vase, DIY, Handmade, Fall, Decoration, Mantle, Table Centerpiece

For my biggest vase, which wouldn’t fit a sleeve or the turtleneck of the sweater, I cut the body of the sweater to the correct vase proportions, turned inside out and hand stitched the pieces back together. Super easy.

They look quite cozy at night with a flame as well:

Sweater Vase, Knit Vase, DIY, Handmade, Fall, Decoration, Mantle, Table Centerpiece

While on the sweater hunt, look for interesting edging and variations in the knit. The more variety the better!

Sweater Vase, Knit Vase, DIY, Handmade, Fall, Decoration, Mantle, Table Centerpiece

These might make it over to the dining room table to serve as a fall runner sometime in the future… I love how soft and fall-ish they look, and how simple they were to create. The entire project took about 15 minutes and cost just about $6 since I had the candles and vases on hand, my only purchase was for the two thrift store sweaters.

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