A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Sequins, Sequins and… More Sparkly Things

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Ours was very low key – we enjoyed a delicious Christmas Eve meal with family, went to Mass to celebrate the Reason for the Season and checked out Christmas lights around town. On Christmas day we slept in, enjoyed a delicious brunch by Kevin and opened presents with family – an afternoon walk and a trip to the movies (maybe our last for a while?) capped off the perfect day!

This weekend has already been pretty productive when it comes to home updates – we had electricians over all day yesterday installing lights and outlets in the new guestroom/office while Kevin cleared up the ceilings (being an old kitchen, there were plenty of gas lines and the like).

Meanwhile… my mind has already begun to wander to our next big holiday. And when I think of New Year’s Eve, all that glitters is what comes to mind!

New Year's Eve Outfit Inspiration, Wardrobe, Style Board, Ideas, Inspire, Sequin, Party, Celebration

While I may not get to partake in the skinny jeans and sheer dress look this coming weekend, I’ve been inspired by a couple of New Year’s Eve wardrobe ideas (here’s a link to the entire list of style boards). I can’t think of a better reason to embrace sequins, sparkles and glitter!

Two looks that I’m especially drawn to:

A Casual Dinner Out: I’m loving the above white sequin top for so many reasons, especially that casual/comfy shape that looks so great when paired with skinny jeans. These Report flats are spot-on in price and would add that little something to outfits throughout the year.

New Year's Eve Outfit Inspiration, Wardrobe, Style Board, Ideas, Inspire, Sequin, Party, Celebration

Downtown with Friends: These semi-low booties would be the perfect pair for walking the streets of downtown with friends for the final countdown. Whether it’s bar hopping or setting up shop at one favorite locale, I love this shear little dress and glittery clutch.

To track down any of these finds and see pricing info, check out the slideshow here.

This weekend you’ll likely find me uber pregnant and curled up on the couch with hubby and Martinellis enjoying the last few days of Christmas decor around the house, but here’s to dreaming of a sparkly, glittery night welcoming in the new year!

Merry Christmas!

Today we’re spending time celebrating with family and friends… but before I sign off for the weekend I wanted to wish you the happiest of holidays! Thank you for your support and love over the past year, may you have a restful and relaxing holiday break and a very merry Christmas!

Christmas Card 2010, Modern, Contemporary, Maternity, Pregnancy, Red Stripe

“And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:9-14

Home for the Holidays

Since this is our very first Christmas at home (we usually travel to one of our original hometowns) we’re opening up the house for family to come and visit us!

My family arrived just yesterday afternoon and I had just a bit of time to add a few final touches to our Christmas decor. I wouldn’t have worried about it considering the mall madness this time of the year, but I came across this feathered wreath on a recent outing which reminded me very much of these DIY trees. Plus at 50% off at Z Gallerie, I just couldn’t resist.

Feather Mirror, bathroom, Christmas

A bit of ribbon and two thumbtacks on the reverse of these frames for hanging and our bathroom received a bit of Christmas cheer.

This is definitely a doable DIY project as well, the wreath is actually made of styrofoam (hello Michaels or Joanns) and the feathers are layered just as the trees are. That added glitter detail is fun too. Note: if you attempt to tackle this on your own, choose the lightest wreath material possible. The thumbtack trick was great but definitely wouldn’t work for a thicker, heavier wreath base.

Bathroom, Feathers, Feathered Wreath, White, Glitter

I tackled a bit of holiday baking earlier this month and these cookies were delicious! I highly recommend this Ultimate Ginger Cookie recipe for a cookie exchange or just nibbling around the house. Those big chunks of crystallized ginger seal the deal.

Ginger cookies, Gingersnaps, Christmas cookie exchange

AND before I leave you today, check out this really neat time capsule ornament idea (thanks for sharing, Anna!). I think I might start this tradition with my little one next year – what a great way to capture the memories (I would insert funny words, phrases, likes and dislikes, etc.) of your kids as they grow up.

Can you believe it… tomorrow’s Christmas!

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