A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Lowe’s Air Purifier *Giveaway* Winner

Wow am I late on this one. I’m pretty sure I promised that the winner would be posted last Monday, but then… you know the story. My apologies on stretching this out so far.

Air Purifier, Nursery, Pepper Design Blog, Stream lined, Clean Design, Allergies

Congratulations to Adriane on winning the Lowe’s Air Purifier giveaway! She and her husband are tackling a huge list for their 1953 ranch home including installing a dishwasher and a deck (best of luck with those projects!). An email is headed your way :).

All giveaway winners are chosen using random.org. A big thanks to everyone who entered!

Welcome, Baby Olivia

We’re finally home! Today is our first full day back from the hospital and we brought with us a special little someone…

Olivia Anne Spenla was born on 1/9/11 at 6:59am, weighing in at 7.11 pounds and reaching just about 20.5 inches in length.

Birth story soon to come… but for now, here are a few of her first photos.

It’s been a blessing and a challenge being ‘disconnected’ from the world (internet, tv, media…) for the past few days at the birth center in our hospital. Our little family unit has loved the quiet attention we’ve been able to focus on little Liv – but we’ve been bursting at the seams to share more pictures and stories with family and friends.

This is my favorite Olivia pose:

There is nothing more surreal than watching a day old baby discover their hands, face and little bodies for the first time.

As with any grand entrance, Olivia has her own story of welcoming into the world (that sounds too sweet – it was much more of a jarring, what-the-heck-is-happening experience, I’m sure) but I’ll save that for tomorrow.

We went into her birth with one boy’s name and three options for a potential baby girl (aren’t names the most challenging?). She came out and she was Olivia from minute one. Anne is my and my mom’s middle name, I love that we’re passing on a family name as well as the special intercession of St. Anne.

She’s so darn teeny! But then again my body is saying – she was so darn big! (does that hit-by-a-train feeling go away any time soon?)

Thank you so much for your comments, thoughts and prayers! It’s been a crazy ride… but I suppose in many ways the adventure has just begun.

To be continued…

Baby Time

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