A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Friday Guest Blog Interview: Sheila of Houzz

Did you recognize that quote from yesterday? One of my favorite children’s books by Robert Munsch and one of my favorite sayings.

Today’s Friday guest blog interview is such a treat. Sheila, the editor and one of the fabulous design masterminds that is behind Houzz, joins me as we reflect on favorite trends, great design ideas and why homemade and well-made trumps it all (read Sheila’s stretched canvas idea – so awesome – just after the jump).

Houzz is the largest online community of home design enthusiasts from around the world. Contributors regularly upload inspiring images of real homes in real cities, and great dialogues about the design qualities (including where to find product) begins. Jump out there and create an ideabook (basically the online version of cutting pages out of magazines) – you won’t regret it.

Farmhouse Kitchen traditional kitchen

The above is one of Sheila’s favorite photos on Houzz and an example of the integrity of design that is posted regularly, she notes that “this room looks like it can become anything you want it to be: party central, reading nook, wine bar, studio.”

I’m especially excited to share Houzz with you today since it’s one of my regular go-to sites for searching for home inspiration, and I love that you can browse by style, space or metro (I’ve used the tool to identify beautiful, well-designed houses in my home town for potential San Diego Magazine projects, too).

Read on for PDB’s four design questions and keep an eye out for Mr. Schmitz’s (Sheila’s dad’s) decorating tip that you don’t want to forget (and I need to heed more regularly!). Continue reading

Four Years and Counting…

Four short years ago we became a Mister & Misses – and it’s been a happy adventure ever since.

4th Wedding Anniversary

To my Mister on this special day: I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.

Curious about our wedding? It’s all chronicled here (with a few more details here). Sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday…

Wardrobe Style Boards: Summer Part 2

Did you know that yesterday was the longest day of the year? Always neat and one that reminds me of our wedding anniversary. Our big day is actually tomorrow on the 23rd, but when the longest day of the year comes ’round, I’m reminded of a long warm summer evening, a sweet serenade atop a deck adorned with globe lights, and a happy reception in the rolling hills of Santa Cruz.

Alas, Monday I was out with a mean case of food poisoning (the can’t-get-out-of-bed type – I’ll save you the gory details) but I think I’m finally better. And just in time for the 4th anniversary.

But before that day arrives, a quick splash of summer in the form of two hot-weather outfits.

This billowy white top would look great over ruched grey shorts (either loose and airy or tucked in for a form-fitting feel). You can’t go wrong with casual but bright jewelry and a pair of Ray Bans, and I’m really loving this 7 Chi hobo bag that would hold an entire day’s worth of errand running gear (you have plenty with a baby in tow). Plus, cute comfortable sandals? So says LifeStride.

My favorite go-to staple is a summer dress and this buttoned version is one that I know Maryam would approve of. A bit of contrasting color in the jewelry and bag balances the look out.

Sources and more style boards over here. Happy day-after-the-longest-day-of-the-year!

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