A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Dining Room Update: New Finds for the Bookshelves

Thank you for your birthday wishes!

The dining room has been on my mind all week… it’s making such progress! We have the new light fixture installed, the buffet was made over and now it’s time to tackle the bookshelves on the opposite wall.

Looking at the buffet the bookshelves are actually behind you, leaning up against either side of the arches facing into the living room.

Here’s a ‘before we moved in’ to give you a really clear idea of the wall space available there (that second door is now sealed up and a part of the new bathroom, and that older kitchen you see in the first door is now here):

This was a hard spot to figure out how to utilize. Big clunky bookcases would stick out like a sore thumb but I knew the wall space could be so much more than room for hanging photos. This was also right about that time when the leaning bookshelf craze was in full effect, and I really liked that they were backless, the depth narrowed from the base to the top, and that they were much less obtrusive than your usual variety.

When I found a set of leaning C&B bookshelves on Craigslist I knew they would fit perrrrfectly. Here’s a slightly awkward, coming in to the dining room from the guest room shot to show how these bookcases fit:

The leaning bookcases hold just enough storage – I keep wine and beer glasses, cookbooks and extra dining dishes on these guys – plus they’re lean enough to allow plenty of walk around room.

I had first styled them like this:

We didn’t repaint, those are just grainy, washed out pictures from last year. Darn camera settings that I must conquer.

And after yesterday they look more like this:

One day I will master the focus on the camera. One day.

A few of my new goodies include pictures and prints that I’ve collected over the past year.

It was hard to get this shot without a horrible glare, but this black and white is a photo that my mother-in-law gave me for Christmas – she had taken it in college as an art major and had framed it for me for Christmas. The juxtaposition is amazing (the ‘Beware of Dog’ sign in the foreground and the kind looking observer just a few feet behind) and I can just picture Eileen at 20, stopping to see this ironic pose and kneeling down to get closer to the dog’s eye level, hair flipped back in some feathered 70’s do.

The next shelf up holds a picture of Bodie when he was just a couple of months old by my mom with his big sweet nose close against the camera lens, and next to that a Mother’s Day print that I picked out when we were at Balboa Park. The arboretum there is one of my very favorite buildings and I was thrilled to find a local artist in the park selling his paintings and prints.

I chose a warm wood frame that compliments a handmade cup from our wedding from Kevin’s best man. My little silver bird is attempting to hide a candle wax stain that discolored the bookshelf! Bummer. Ha, in this particular shot it kind of looks like something else…

The other bookshelf is home to my new favorite vignette which includes a cloche (a thrift store find and a gift from a friend who knew I was dying to find one) and a water color by the etsy Honolulu artist behind Pineapple Bay Studio.

The colors provide just the pop of contrast this space needs!

The cake platter and pitcher are Target finds from way back, and I’m pretty sure the white ceramic water lily is from West Elm. The galvanized metal letters at top are from Anthropologie and that picture on the same shelf as my square basket (to hold votive holders and what not) is a poster of giant magnolias that I cut apart and framed – sometimes framed art is as easy as taking apart packaging or gift cards!

There’s something about filling in a backless bookcase with sporadic art and height that keeps the shelves feeling airy, but brings in enough content so that it doesn’t feel sparse and lonely.

My favorite suggestions are to work in odd numbers, keep a variation of height on each shelf (with at one least one over-sized or tall piece) and mix up the colors while keeping some sort of consistent theme throughout (in this example I’d say it’s my white ceramic dishware and vases that show up frequently throughout both bookshelves, and maybe a basket or two).

One more item checked off of that list. Next up is a new rug, new curtains, reupholstered chairs? or maybe cushions? plus some huge piece of art or a mirror for that big blank wall where that extra door used to be. But in no particular order, it’s all part of the adventure :).

Read the full dining room story by starting here: a buffet-over, upgrading the lighting, the before

Breakfast with Friends, Ballparks, Farmer’s Markets & Picnics by the Lake

What do these four things have in common? Four awesome events I was lucky enough to enjoy this weekend, the weekend I’m officially stamping as my birthday celebration (even though it’s actually today!).

Our San Diego Padres have the most wonderful little ballpark – it’s downtown, stone’s throw to the bay, part old brick warehouse, part field (for you know, the players) and part huge grassy lawn in the back where you can cozy up with picnic blankets, kids and friends. Afterwards a handful of us went out for a celebratory drink at one of the rooftop lounges nearby (also overlooks the park and the bay) and enjoyed a raspberry champagne mojito!

Oh yes, and that IS a cookie within a cupcake! Two of my favorite desserts combined (I sometimes make cookie dough just to keep in the fridge and eat. All day long.) and one amazing idea. Stephanie shares that the trick is to freeze the cookie dough chunks before adding them to the raw cupcake batter so that as the two bake the cookie dough stays just that – doughy and yummy! Thanks, Steph for the birthday treats!

Earlier on Saturday we wandered upon a bounce house at Pizza Port in Ocean Beach:

and I was completely caught off guard when our awesome neighbors made a cake! Aaron even made those fondant ribbons – and all of the cake decorators out there can appreciate fondant skills.

Sunday morning brought with it a vanilla latte and farmer’s market goodies:

And more eucalyptus branches. Because a house can never have too many…

Last but not least at the end of the day we enjoyed an impromptu picnic at Lake Murray. Very last minute and very wonderful! Liv and her friend Gigi practiced ‘skipping’ rocks:

Michael learning to fish with his dad:

How cute is Michael? He was concentrating so hard…

And then a couple of ducks came along!

He stopped to wave.

For those in the western US, did you catch the eclipse this weekend?

I was not fortunate enough to snap that night shot on the right (source here) but we did have a friendly gentleman stop by our picnic spot to loan us a pair of ‘eclipse glasses’, and that’s exactly what we saw. Amazing!

Today will be a usual day, though I’m taking a Starbucks break this afternoon with a friend and I’m excited for that!

Have a lovely Tuesday!

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