A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Travel Adventures in Ireland: Dublin & Kilkenny (Days 1 to 3)

I’ve had a chance to sort through the first few days of photos from our travels over here in Ireland and I thought I’d share them. We are completely beguiled with Ireland. I can’t believe we haven’t made this trip happen sooner and I hope that it is not our last!

Without further ado, let’s jump on over to Dublin and Kilkenny (which, I dare say, is quite possibly the most *magical* Irish town that ever existed).

Our travel brought us into Dublin just about 24 hours after we had left the States. So says the clock anyway. Since Dublin is eight hours ahead of California, we lived off of that interesting middle time zone for a while before we all adjusted. Thankfully Kevin and I snapped into Ireland time in a jiffy (thanks to switching our watches over and not looking back), but Liv took things at her own speed.

By the time we reached our little flat on late Thursday night we had traveled for a good 20 hours (San Diego – London – Dublin), but we were hardly tired (it was still midday in the US afterall!). Liv (that excellent little traveler that I extolled about here) took a short nap upon our arrival at 8pmish and then ‘woke up’ for the day at a mere 2am. Oh boy! here we go! Thankfully, our kind hosts – whose flat we had rented for the weekend – had left us a stocked kitchenette with a loaf of bread, bar of Irish butter (you could eat this stuff with a knife and fork), half gallon of milk, honey and homemade granola. What a lifesaver. And I was doubly relieved to have a flat to ourselves rather than just a hotel room or B&B space so that we could color, watch a show on the iPad (in hopes of getting drowsy) and eat. Using AirBnB to book many of our ‘home stays’ while away had already proved to be both economical and incredibly comfortable.

The next morning we were off and exploring. Having already agreed to do this at a family pace, we limited our attractions to the Book of Kells at Trinity College, Stephen’s Greens (a lovely large park to explore) and Christ Church Cathedral (just from the outside). We also took a nice city walk that ended up ambling us through Temple Bar, Grafton Street (where we stopped by H&M to pick up a new stack of socks and an additional sweater for Liv), St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Dublin Castle. So I guess we squeezed in quite a bit!

Our wonderful hosts (who lived just above the cozy basement flat that we rented) treated us to a delicious serving of Paella from their food tent at a local lunch time spot. Cute Georgian-style Dublin apartment + lovely chefs = a perfect match for us!

That night we had our first glass of Guiness at a local pub and fell fast asleep into Ireland dream land. Ah but a delicious pint it was.

The next day we packed up our little rental car and moved on down past Dublin to Glendalough, the monastic ruins of St. Kevin’s settlement. We spent hours wandering, playing and taking photos of the beautiful, moss-covered stone. And of Liv. Lots of Liv.

In the above, Liv found a small yellow daisy amongst the tall grasses. She laid it down on several ancient headstones, then picked it up, then laid it down…

We chose a winding, Wicklow Mountain route for the rest of our journey and came across a giant backwoods car sale (not the kind where you sell your car, the kind where everyone opens up their trunks and displays their antique goodies!) If I could have filled my luggage on day 2 with treasures I would have. But alas, we kept on keeping on until we found ourselves in Kilkenny. Our original hope was to have made it all the way to Kensale or Kenmare on this next day (another few hours south), but we found this particular town to be absolutely charming and tracked a last-minute accommodation for the night. This might have been the one opportunity when booking in advance would have saved us a bit! We had to dip into our slush fund to stay at a local hotel upon learning that every B&B was sold out.

 That evening we enjoyed live music (and Liv danced!) and the next day a delicious breakfast at a quaint tea shop full of handmade ribbons and chocolates and biscuits.

Three days in! Many more adventures to go. I’ll try to get these pictures sorted quickly to keep you up to date!

PS Keep up with this travel adventure by checking out all posts here.

7 Finds to Bring to Ireland

Hello from Ireland! The weather has treated us so nicely these past few days – nearly every morning the grey skies have cleared to let the soft sunshine pour through by early afternoon. We’re still carrying that umbrella though because it’s that unpredictable! but for the most part it has been absolutely beautiful!

Thought I’d share with you a little Ireland inspiration board:

1. Umbrellas are priceless here! I’ll admit that I would probably spend about 1/10th of the price of this one, but it sure is pretty. 2. Love me a thick, warm sweater (even though some days require a thin jacket on top!). I brought my favorite oversized cardigan that is super cozy and it’s been my everyday wrap (this one is similar). 3. Also brought along my favorite jeans for tucking into boots or wearing with Toms. 4. A small messenger bag has been invaluable. I still have mine from our trip to New Zealand a couple of years ago, but this is a similar size. Fits my Rebel camera, a diaper + small pack of wipes, my wallet and phone! 5. Scarves! Adds a pop of color and in a jiffy keeps the neck warm when the next breeze comes through. 6. Tees for layering and more layering. 7. Boots might not be practical for heritage sites or hiking, but they’re super for exploring cities and tucking jeans into. Found mine years ago and could walk all over town, keeps those ankles nice and toasty (these guys pictured here are on my list).

Hope you are having a great start to your week and see you all soon!

We’ve Landed…

I’ve been a bit behind on blogging lately… I miss my nightly blogging time and I cannot believe how crazy these last few days have been! What an overwhelming, exciting, mind-crunching last few days… If you haven’t guessed it yet we flew the nest and made our way over to Ireland, that too-good-to-be-true trip that we have been itching to take (and finally made happen!) for two years.

And we survived the first two flights. One overnight from San Diego to London, and one little hopper from London to Dublin. Liv was a terrific traveller and despite being armed with my little bag of tricks, she slept for almost the entire trip. I’m still amazed, I was secretly expecting to be playing games by iPad light underneath an airline blanket while the rest of the cabin slept on our redeye – attempting desparately not to keep them awake while Liv, excited about the change in scenery, was up). A redeye can fool you in such circumstances. Might be the easiest flight in the world, might be you + toddler + 300 sleeping passengers. But Liv girl, you were the best. Even though your sleeping positions on my lap mimicked a tumbling gymnast all night long…. right side up, upside down, stiff as a board, limp as a noodle, starfish position, huddled into a ball, starfish position upside down, huddled ball now spinning. And Daddy’s lap just wasn’t comfortable enough.)

But I digress…

Because we are here! We are a little disheveled… but oh man we are here!! and the craziness that was our lives over the past three days adding the final preparations for our trip, finishing up the last minute projects we had *promised* to complete before take off for the house, work and everything in between is in the past. That plus preparing for house guests that will hold the fort down! I don’t know how many bins of miscellaneous stuff we drug out to the garage. I went on a frenzy of ‘oh, they don’t need to know how unorganized we are here and here and here!’, so into the garage went supplies and clothes I will have to sort through later. A Goodwill drop off is in order…

Now I sleep! Plenty to share soon on our house updates and travels :).

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