A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Travel Adventures in Ireland: the Dingle Peninsula & Cliffs of Moher (Days 5-7)

Hi all! We’ve made it about two-thirds of the way through our Ireland road trip and I’m back to give you a quick update on our travels. I’m noticing that these posts are getting progressively longer… it’s so difficult to pick and choose favorite photos, favorite sites! So bear with me as we roll through the photos from days 5-7…

Last we left off, we had just finished our two day stay in the lovely fishing village of Dingle. We spent the day after driving the actual Dingle Peninsula and taking in the breathtaking coastline that stretches out across the icy blue Atlantic.

Absolutely stunning. The color of the water here reminds me very much of our own California coastline, but it’s a few degrees cooler. The hills crawling up and out of that fridged water, however, are hardly California and are instead ensconced in a brilliant lime green that rivals anything that we call lawn back home. But I guess that’s what you get with 100+ inches of rain/year.

To this day the country is spotted with fantastic archeological finds. You might just roll on past a few as you’re driving and suddenly find yourself standing amongst shelters, homes, villages that date back to the Middle Ages, or perhaps even earlier. One such marvel that we especially loved (especially Liv!), were the ‘beehive’ huts made of stone chunks that are stacked so perfectly that they round in on the top, overlapping and creating a roof without any adhesive. Talk about a DIY house.

These stones are common just about everywhere in Ireland where a sea of rock wall mazes help to differentiate one man’s land from another.

“Dad, hold my sweater.”

Bah, breathtaking coastline! And check out that bright blue sky.

Further down the peninsula we nearly had Ireland’s prettiest beach to ourselves. Liv could not wait to touch that water, and then she did and she cried. Brrr.

Family fun.

Hurling is a national sport here in Ireland…

Another family moment. You can really tell our height difference here!

Imagine my camera precariously balanced on a rocky ledge… but I love this picture.

Driving has been an entire adventure on its own. It’s a great thing that Kevin rocks at this sort of stuff because I would have probably driven into the right lane (that’s the wrong lane here) at least 50 times by now. And we rented a clutch, because Kevin also rocks at the non-automatic variety of cars and it’s about 100% cheaper.

A typical two lane road in Ireland…

An unfortunate little car had to back all the way down this particular mountain pass as the above white tour bus blocked its way.

When all else fails, let the little one take the wheel.

Don’t worry, we only let her drive with her feet on the city streets, not those crazy mountain roads.

Liv’s absolute favorite thing to do is pretend to drive. She hops into the driver’s seat, attempts to put the keys into the car and rocks out play driving. Supervised of course. She has managed to actually turn on the car once or twice.

The night of driving/beach walking/site seeing ended with a delicious meal and a cute little B&B in Adare, a small town just south of Limerick and north of the Dingle Peninsula.

The next day we started our trip out towards the Cliffs of Moher. This encompasses the drastic coastline where massive rock soars up and out of the Atlantic by over 700 feet creating some pretty amazing views.

It was breezy up there, and of all sites we’ve visited so far the Cliffs of Moher had a fair amount of visitors. But nonetheless it was a site to see and worth the drive out from Limerick. We ran out of time but we really wanted to spend more time driving down this particular stretch of coast, if you make it out here, be sure to check out Loop Head.

Our accomodations for the evening were again booked through AirBnB, we were planning on renting a small vacation cottage on Inis Meain – a rural island off the coast of the mainland. But before catching the ferry, we stopped for a late late lunch in Galway.

Galway seems like a very cool and young (literally lots and lots of University students) city with lots to see. But after just an hour we had to head out.

Mmmm warm red bell pepper soup and Irish soda bread, with a nice glass of Sunburnt Irish Red (yep, that’s the name). We taught Liv to cheers, and now she says ‘cheers!’ and ‘drink!’ whenever she sees glasses.

So that brings us to day 7 on our journey.

The big stars are where we stayed the night, the little ones are the major sites we had the chance to see on our way. And as you can see, we’ve already had to pass by so much! We’ll definitely have to be back sometime soon ;).

More on our family journey right here (you can start from the beginning of this crazy tour…).

Friday Guest Blog Interview: Janet of Living in a Nutshell & SPACEStv YouTube Channel

Happy Friday! I’m back with another awesome Friday Guest Blog Interview. It’s actually a two in one, because we’re featuring SPACEStv (that awesome new home and design YouTube channel that was just released) and Janet of Living in a Nutshell, a super stylish blogger with a fantastic little episode on SPACES, a new book and a lovely blog.

Have you heard of SPACEtv? A new YouTube channel that serves up home decorating ideas of all sizes – and it’s instantly available in cute little 5-15 minute chunks of delicious decorating morsels. I’m really loving discovering all of the various series! And if you’re like me and live sans cable, then this is an excellent HGTV alternative (plus, you can skip all of those pesky ads). A few of my favorites have been this inspirational Brooklyn loft crash, this roof deck on Urban Gardener, and of course, Janet’s eclectic How to Decorate a Small Apartment episode. So much goodness.

Janet is taking a few moments to answer our usual 4 design questions about her favorite trends, tips and design ideas. Janet is the voice behind Living in a Nutshell and her new book of the same title. How brilliant is that mix of color in the cover photo?

I was immediately intrigued to learn more about Janet’s style after watching her SPACES episode and checking out stills of her pint-sized NY apartment (including that above living room). Jump on out to the interview for a closer look. Continue reading

Travel Adventures in Ireland: Cashel & Killarney National Park (Days 3-4)

I hope I’m not beginning to sound like a guide book over here, but I thought I’d keep you posted on our continued adventures. I have plenty of house updates and a few awesome Friday Guest Interviews (from some names you’ll definitely recognize!), but I’m going to try to stay on top of our journey as much as possible… it’s nice to journal our favorite places and sites as we go, that way I won’t forget the name of that Abbey we visited or in what town we took that particular photograph. Journals are so handy in that way!

On to the rest of day 3 at Rock of Cashel and then our time in the Killarney National Park. You can catch up on our previous days in Ireland right here.

We visited Cashel on our drive south from Kilkenny towards Killarney. Upon arriving at this tremendous rock (lying against a backdrop of rolling green hills), it was immediately easy to see what draws the crowds to her beautiful ruins. The crowds were not en-masse today though, so we were able to meander and photograph this fortress-turned-center of the Church for a short while. We also took advantage of the Rock’s official tour which familiarized us with the different styles of architecture (the ‘cashel’ continued to grow and expand over about a thousand years with various inhabitants that included kings and Archbishops and plenty of invadors) and the legends that surround it. One such is that this is the location where St. Patrick converted the King of Munster in the 400s and used a shamrock to explain the Trinity, forever tying this powerful emblem with the country.

Before arriving at our next destination we landed in Killarney for dinner. Also a beautiful little town! We initially had plans to stay near here rather than Kilkenny on night 3, but I’m thankful that we ended up in the slightly smaller latter (Kilkenny) rather than the former (Killarney) despite its charm.

On this particular night we stayed in Dingle, a cute little fishing village right on the peninsula and full of brightly painted homes. Our B&B that we had prereserved (from a recommendation) was the TowerView Bed & Breakfast and I definitely recommend it as well!

We booked Dingle for two nights and really enjoyed the delicious dinner served up at An Canteen on night 2. If you’re in the area, this humble but absolutely delectable eatery is the place to visit (owned by two very nice Irish fellas as well).

On our second day in Dingle, we headed back to Killarney to explore the beautiful lakes, waterfall and scenery of the Killarney National Park. The Muckross House was my favorite, but Liv adored the recreated period farms and the plethora of animals available to see and pet.

She learned to ‘moo’ like a cow, ‘baa’ like a sheep and ‘quack quack’ like a duck! Now, whenever we see any of the above animals, an obligatory stop to moo, baa or quack for a few minutes is required.

On the other side of the park is the Muckross House, a home visited by the Queen of England and owned by several well-to-do families. Riding up in horse and carriage made us feel like we were pulling up to our very own Downton Abbey {sigh}.

We toured the inside of the house as well (no photos allowed) and imagined what it would be like to live at a time when electricity was just introduced and the men and ladies of the home maintained separate sitting rooms (rumor has it that the owner of the home had never set foot into her husband’s billiards space!). The grounds included a stunning waterfall, beautiful gardens and mirrored lakes.

Exhausted, we made it back to Dingle just in time for a meal and a crash.

More on our family journey right here.


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