A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Office Wall Collage: An Embroidery Project for Kev

While we were away we celebrated Kevin’s birthday! I actually haven’t gotten around to finishing his present, but I do have his Father’s Day present to share (four months later…). I originally hadn’t planned on posting about this project (part of my effort to show Kevin that I hadn’t made the piece for the blog – but for him! But I think it’s kind of cool and four months of not posting about it is enough time for me.) ;)

It’s an embroidered bicycle that I then framed and had on display on our mantel for a while. Kevin and his family are big bikers, and I was hoping to hand make something that was special to him personally. He and Olivia LOVE to bike (she is thrilled every time she sees one go by, and constantly asks to go for a ride in her iBert) and I thought that something with bicycles might be fitting for Father’s Day. (I also traced her little hand on a card – something that I think will be neat to do every year just to watch how she grows!)

Kevin is really terrible to buy gifts for. I mean, really terrible. He doesn’t need anything, doesn’t really get excited  about anything and in general is hard to impress. I worked on this project during the evenings when he was in class for a few weeks in the spring, when he opened it he thought it was cool and thoughtful and that was enough for me.

Now the embroidered bike sits at the top of the wall collage in the office/guestroom. This is a nice spot for it, perhaps a permanent one.

Sadly, I don’t have photos documenting the progress (goes along with the whole I-made-this-just-for-you part of the gift), but this is an excellent tutorial on how to embroider just about anything. I actually found a generic picture of a bicycle online and printed it out to the proper size, lined it up with an off white fabric scrap I had on hand and reminded myself on how to make a basic embroidery stitch. I didn’t use an embroidery hoop but I will next time. Lesson learned.

It’s a little folksy, a little artsy, and by no means perfect. But that’s what I kind of what I like about it!

Maybe a quick ironing pre-framing would have helped with a few of those wrinkles…

More office/guestroom posts found here.

Travel Adventures: Finally Home!

Ohhh the feeling of your own bed and pillow and shower and conditioner… it all is so wonderful. 18 hours of traveling later and we are happy to be back in our own casa.

(Yay for bulkhead seats for families on British Airways!)

This is my hallway at the moment…

A spur of the moment picture. I don’t think I spot any dirty underwear… (ps so excited to wash and dry that underwear in a real washing machine and dryer.)

And this is our dining room table. Thank you to such great friends who welcomed us back last night with peaty whiskey to celebrate Kevin’s birthday! thank you to Stephanie for yummy yummy pie, to Cassie for delicious red wine and to Trish for the incredibly thoughtful detail of fresh cut flowers. sigh.

And a huge, heart-felt thank you to everyone who commented, sent a personal email or made contact with me this weekend regarding my brother-in-law’s recent diagnosis. We are headed out to Tempe soon to huddle up with our family and to share the love. Will keep you updated on Michael’s prognosis.

More to update on Spain and Morocco soon…

I Have a Favor to Ask Today

We are caught off guard at the moment. Completely startled and surprised at news we have just received. I hope you don’t mind that I share it with you, and I would like to ask you to keep this very special someone in your thoughts.

Kevin’s 17-year-old brother, Michael was just diagnosed with testicular cancer. Suffering from a mysterious pain in his lower back, Michael was admitted to the hospital where a tumor was discovered on his back, along with masses on his liver, lungs and neck.

We are stunned.

I am sure I have some better photos here somewhere… but as I sit writing this message from Spain, here are a few of Michael and Liv at Liv’s 1st birthday back in January. These two have a special bond, Liv adores her uncle Michael.

Liv is lucky enough to have seven uncles. Kevin has four younger brothers (of which Michael is the youngest) and I have three. We were able to line a few of them up to catch this shot, blurry as it might be.

Michael is very special to us, so as we wait to hear results from a surgery and multiple tests, I hope you won’t mind this favor – please storm the heavens in whatever way prayer takes shape in your life.

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