A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Liv’s Nursery Featured on IHeart Organizing

A big thank you to Jen for featuring Liv’s handmade nursery over at IHeart Organizing today! Please come check it out, and stay a while – her blog is awesomely creative and fun.

PS you can read Jen’s PDB Friday Series Interview here to learn more about this very sweet and crafty gal!

Kitchen Addition: New Breakfast Nook, Part 1 – the Inspiration

When we turned the back den in our home into our kitchen a couple of years ago, one of my favorite parts about the entire remodel was how we opened up the space to our back yard area and into an entertaining zone (pending outdoor yard transformation) with big four pane glass doors at each corner.

It helped to add plenty of light to a darker space (the floors really add to that), but it also moved all of the attention of the space to the very end of the giant room, where the center of the kitchen sat. The space between the island and my office has always felt like some sort of empty zone that you had to pass through to get to the kitchen, and not really as if it was connected in a functional way. It’s an odd space in need of a cozy, textile-filled lift that would help soften and bridge kitchen to rest of house.

We’ve played around with the idea of building some sort of additional cabinetry or bar into that open area, but the more and more I think about it, the more and more a breakfast ‘nook’ is calling my name.

Images found here and here.

I would like to bring sunny yellow and maybe one contrasting pop of color in in the form of a cheery bench fabric and pillows. As far as the seating goes, I have a couple of ideas on how we can either repurpose a piece of furniture or use the same cabinets that are in the rest of our kitchen, but maybe with the addition of legs to form a bench. With our dining space just off of the kitchen, Kevin is not so sure it’s the best use of space, while I can already picture reading the morning paper and drinking coffee curled up. Inspirational photos are always helpful in making these decisions.

We’ve come a long way since it all began four and a half years ago!

And back to light filled kitchen…

PS You can filter all posts by just our kitchen remodel (and watch the entire room start from scratch) here.

Liv Shows Off Her Best Pose

I’ve finally had a chance to update my picture over there to the right. I’m not a huge fan of the idea of pulling out the camera to take an ol’ self portrait, so I’ve put off this task for months and months and months. In fact, I think Liv is actually less than a year in the old photo – meaning it’s almost a year old. Sooooo this past weekend I used my mom as a photographer and instructed her to ‘just keep snapping’. This was the one picture with both of us looking at the camera:

Liv is at that age where it’s almost impossible to catch her with a smile on camera (unless you are fortunate enough to have the camera ready during those moments of pure joy – swinging at the park, playing with musical instruments, dancing…). She is a very smiley girl indeed, she just doesn’t do it on command. This means I’m left with lots of photos of her looking at me with a ‘not this again’ look, while I’m pleading ‘cheese! smile for momma! where are those teeth?!’. There is a pose she is quite fond of these days though – you are almost guaranteed to get at least one quality tongue shot.

Followed by a fit of giggles. I love that girl.

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