A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Kitchen Additions: New Breakfast Nook, Part 4 – Design Dilemma

I’ve been anxiously waiting to catch you all up on my breakfast nook project, but I’ve reached a bit of a design dilemma and I thought I’d share what’s going through my mind right now.

I’ve moved the bench seat from the edge of the island:

To this blank wall. We’ll call it the problem wall.

This particular wall used to be the dividing line between what was (way before us) a bedroom and an entry room (at least that’s our suspicion…). It had an unusually placed window just to the right of the side door that makes us wonder if a mudroom existed here before (and a slight buckling in the wall where there may have been another wall that jutted out of it?). The wall was gone before we moved in and a den was in its place.

During our kitchen transformation, this small little window broke and was quickly boarded up and left for a future project. The plan is to either A. replace it, B. use glass block to fill it in, or C. make it disappear altogether as a solid wall. The last is my vote, but Kevin is not 100% convinced on which he loves best. So it sits now as a piece of plywood in the kitchen. We finally painted it to match the walls (though it doesn’t blend much…) and avoid photographing it altogether :). When we have guests over, sometimes I hang a piece of art right up over it.

The ultimate goal is to integrate that space back into the house, and even if we wait on the to-close-or-not-to-close decision for a while, I’d like to come up with a solution to hide the eye sore in the interim.

I had this space in mind too for the kitchen breakfast nook and I thought it might work well if the end of counter idea (see top pic) didn’t. And the bench? The perfect size!

Now just picture a round little table and two chairs in front of it.

I love that the colors tie in so well with the artwork.

But back to that dilemma, because the plywood ‘pin board’ is a big eye sore.

I have a couple of ideas…

The first one that I imagined as perfect for the space was to find a cool old mirror and convert it into a chalkboard, like this:

How beautiful! Image from here.

But I searched and searched and had the hardest time tracking down a large enough ornate mirror. See, to both cover up that plywood (temporarily, of course) and look somewhat natural on the wall, I needed a piece that is roughly 44″ tall and 40″ wide (big and tough to find).

Still on the hunt for an ornate mirror, but I suppose option two would be to hang a regular square chalkboard that might look something like this:

I could build my own or find a large frame and then turn it into a chalkboard.

Image sources for all of these ideas can be found over on my kitchen Pinterest board (Pinterest is where I was lucky enough to track most of them down!)

If I build my own frame… perhaps a chunky reclaimed wood look?

Love the look of wood and chalkboard… though gold is high up there as well!

And I’d have to make it magnetic, just like Christina did:

Part of me is secretly wondering though if a command station so front and center as you walk into the kitchen is the right idea? Do I want lists and ticket stubs and reminders so evidently visible? Could I keep this space visually clean?

That wall above is just to the left of the island below. I’m standing in front of it while snapping this picture:

If I could and was willing to make that promise to myself, why not a cool fabric pinboard?

Picture this coral in a square frame and Liv’s art hung up in a semi-organized fashion:

Or perhaps I nix the command station idea and hang just a stunning piece of framed fabric (from a vintage scarf, tablecloth, remnant piece…):

Framed fabric ideas

Maybe a framed picture? Painting? Map? What would not look out of place in a kitchen/dining space? See how difficult I’ve let this one become? :)

 PS You can find all of the kitchen renovation stories here.

Handmade Gifts: Cupcake Kit

Here’s a quick DIY gift to share today that I just finished and put under our tree. I can’t remember where this idea stemmed from – possibly a Pinterest post? or an excess of cupcake supplies in the kitchen? perhaps from something I’ve seen at the store? – but either way this was a fun and easy gift to assemble and one I hope the recipient will think is thoughtful and fun (especially for the baker!).

I made two versions of this gift, one that was smaller and is packaged more as a hostess gift, stocking stuffer or little favor, and the other as a meatier version with plenty of cupcake treats.

The larger kit contains a colorful mix of mini taper candles, cupcake liners in a variety of shapes and sizes, sprinkles (repackaged in little bead containers), specialty nonpareils, mini cookie cutters (perfect for fondant or cupcake pops) and lollipop sticks (more cupcake pop!). You could also include icing tubes, food coloring, marzipan flowers, toothpick toppers or a little cupcake book for decorating inspiration. I found my cardboard box right here.

I like the idea of sticking to a rough color scheme (mine below is sort of pink, orange and yellow) to keep the contents looking a little planned. But it could be equally fun to go crazy with color! Or design a kit based off of a specific event, like a graduation with school colors, a bridal shower theme or a holiday.

The mini kit contained some of the above but in a more edited form.

I found the clear-topped cupcake boxes at Michaels, it’s kind of fun to peek inside!

One more gift to cross off of the Christmas list and one more handmade project that I’m really digging. Now on to the rest!

PS You can find the line up of this year’s handmade projects by sorting all posts here.

Friday Guest Interview: Michelle of Lonny Magazine

A couple of my favorite magazines (the ones I still subscribe to and love to devour in Kevin’s big leather smoking chair – don’t worry, it’s called that by name only in this casa) include favorites like House Beautiful, Better Homes & Gardens and Martha Stewart.

One that I absolutely adore in the virtual format because it reminds me in bits and pieces of Domino (sigh) and other favorite shelter magazines that have gone the way of the dinosaur, is Lonny. Oh what a wonderful read it is! And what a void these very talented, soon-to-be-mentioned editors have filled! When the little Lonny icon pops up in my email inbox on a monthly basis, I flag it, wait for a quiet morning moment with a cup of coffee and a proverbial smoking chair (okay, my office chair) and ‘flip’ through it page by page. While I can’t dog ear my favorite living room or rip out a great recipe, I can pin, save a favorite pillow find (a quick click away) and easily track down an image or entire article that inspires me. It’s a nice trade off.

It’s no surprise then that I am totally over the moon to feature Michelle Adams, cofounder and editor-in-chief of Lonny, and her answers to PDB’s four usual Friday Guest Interview questions today! And with a holiday spin.

I am particularly fond of women who mean business – and Michelle’s accomplishments and goals (more in question 2), not to mention the magazine that she has built from the ground up, are inspiring.

Michelle and her photographer partner Patrick Cline launched the online magazine in October of 2009 and I still recall that very first issue! It has since moved on to a monthly virtual publication with a regular line up of all star authors and designers. A textile designer at heart, Michelle is also the brainchild behind Rubie Green, a fabric company that I actually featured here back in 2010 without realizing the wonderful connection at the time.

Let’s talk about Lonny for a moment, because this is a gem that offers quite a few resources that are helpful in the home design department. Their blog features fun articles like this one on Interior Design Rules You Should Break and their photos tab brings you to all archived magazine photos that have been included in previous issues. Talk about a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon, perusing by style or room and trying not to get lost in the dreamy inspiration! Be sure to check out the ideas section, too.

Alright, on to the interview. Follow the jump to learn more about Michelle, her favorite trends, holiday decor tips and where all of this crazy inspiration stems from. Continue reading

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