A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Guest Blog Interview: Ann-Marie Loves | with PepperDesignBlog.com

I’m so looking forward to sharing Ann-Marie Loves with you today. Ann-Marie lives in Pasadena, California and she and her husband are expecting their first baby this summer! I love popping over to visit. Her photos are so pretty and her daily stories inspiring and compelling (always make me want to create!).

What I love most about Ann-Marie is hands down her passion for sharing her creative style. It might be a thrifted find, an entry in her absolutely adorable baby album or a hand knitted/woven craft. Regardless, I walk away wanting to do the same.

Guest Blog Interview: Ann-Marie Loves | with PepperDesignBlog.com

I hope you’ll join me after the jump to learn more about what inspires Ann-Marie, her three favorite design suggestions and the diy project and trends she enjoys most. I haven’t met her in person, but I feel like we would have so much to share over a cup of coffee.



{PDB Interview with Ann-Marie Loves}


What inspires your design style? I’m heavily inspired by Instagram and Pinterest…I don’t know where I would be without those social media channels! Additionally, I am influenced by stores with impeccable visual merchandising that get me thinking outside of the box. Whenever I walk into an Anthropologie, for instance, I always leave feeling creatively recharged. And finally, I love seeing design firsthand, whether it’s going for walks through different neighborhoods and imagining what it would be like to live in certain houses, spending time at friends’ homes and watching how they interact with their living spaces, or simply experimenting with my own place to find design solutions that work best for my husband and me.

Guest Blog Interview: Ann-Marie Loves | with PepperDesignBlog.com

What do you love most about what you do? As a creative freelancer, my days belong to me. At times, it’s stressful, overwhelming, and expensive (quarterly taxes!), but it’s also incredibly rewarding. I’m expecting my first baby this summer and I am so thrilled that I will be able to continue working while still staying home with her.

Guest Blog Interview: Ann-Marie Loves | with PepperDesignBlog.com

What are your favorite design trends? I am such a fan of the handmade movement! I know it has always existed, but there seems to have been a major resurgence post-recession. I am hugely inspired by people who can turn everyday objects and materials into DIY masterpieces.

Guest Blog Interview: Ann-Marie Loves | with PepperDesignBlog.com

What are three design suggestions that you would like to offer readers?

1 | Try thrifting. I realize that not everyone is keen on secondhand goods (including my own mom), but there are so many treasures to be had if you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and dig in! I frequent my favorite local thrift stores a few times a week and sometimes I walk out empty-handed while other times I can barely fit all my finds through the door. I never know what to expect and that’s half of the fun!.

2 | Stay inspired. I think the key to producing good work and broadening your creative horizons is to know what inspires you and return to that source time and time again.

3 | Don’t be afraid to experiment. With the exception of a few home design projects (major renovations, knocking down walls, etc), decorating should always be approached with a sense of experimentation and playfulness. Since our personal styles are constantly evolving with the changing seasons, why not let our homes be a reflection of that growth? If you find that a room or a design is no longer working for you, mix it up! A change of scenery can do WONDERS.

Guest Blog Interview: Ann-Marie Loves | with PepperDesignBlog.com

Can you share a favorite DIY project and why you loved creating it? Oh gosh, I am always working on something…it’s hard to pick a favorite! Lately I’ve been really loving weaving, so as a result, I have several woven wall hangings displayed throughout my home. Weaving is one of those wonderfully mindless hobbies that can produce beautiful works of art in a matter of hours! I’m sure I’ll grow tired of it one day, but for now? I can’t get enough!

Guest Blog Interview: Ann-Marie Loves | with PepperDesignBlog.com

 Thank you, Ann-Marie!


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One comment on “Guest Blog Interview: Ann-Marie Loves

  • Leslie

    So many sweet vignettes. I love the “Good Vibes” letters…so simple, but such an impact. I can definitely see why you love her style.

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