A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Grilled Goat Cheese & Fig on Raisin Bread | PepperDesignBlog.com

A little spin on the traditional grilled cheese can yield amazing results. My mom first started making little toasted goat cheese & jam sandwiches for us when we were younger, and recently when she reminded me of them I decided to revisit as a lunch time snack.

So good it’s hard to describe!

Grilled Goat Cheese & Fig on Raisin Bread | PepperDesignBlog.com

Ingredients: cinnamon raisin bread, goat cheese, fig jam, butter (for pan).

Grilled Goat Cheese & Fig on Raisin Bread | PepperDesignBlog.com

Grilled Goat Cheese & Fig on Raisin Bread | PepperDesignBlog.com

Grilled Goat Cheese & Fig on Raisin Bread | PepperDesignBlog.com

I use a square griddle and a panini press lid for toasting and smooshing. George Foreman was really on to something – anything really can be made into a flat melted yumminess. Time to start further experimenting.

Give this recipe a try (love that it takes me five minutes during the week) and let me know what you think.

PS More Good Eats recipes stored right here.

PPS Anyone considering going to ALT SLC Summer?

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10 comments on “A Grown Up Grilled Cheese

  • Cassie

    YUM!!! I think Stone Brewery makes a similar one, because I have ordered one before….now I can just make my own, duh! Thanks Morgan!

  • Am

    Mmm, sounds good! I like quince (either poached/roasted or made into butter) and cheddar on good bread as well. And cheddar and pickles! Banana peppers, cukes, or peppadews.

  • California Mist

    WOW! Seriously that looks so good. Figs are the best and work wonderful in so many recipes and they have a flavor that mixes with cheese so delightfully.

    Have you ever tried a fig milkshake? If you have a powerful blender take vanilla, dried or candied figs a little milk
    (to taste/texture preference) and some vanilla. So GOOD!

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  • Leslie

    Mmmmmm…..that sounds delicious! And the very best grilled cheese trick is definitely to melt the butter in the pan instead of trying to spread it on the bread. I bet the sweet/creamy combination even works well at room temp, which means this could be a great make-ahead for a party. Yummy!

    • Morgan Post author

      Yes, I agree! Better trick than mayo (which is sooo good with sourdough). Love figs on everything, too!

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