A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

Hope that you had a beautiful Easter weekend! We spent ours out in Tempe, Arizona with Kevin’s family. Sunshine, wonderful people, good food, toooo much sugar. The recipe for a great holiday.

I wanted to share a quick DIY project that I put together for upcoming outdoor entertaining (now that spring has brought with it perfect outside evening weather in our neck of the woods).

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

This DIY slate (it’s actually porcelain made to look like slate) cheese board was close to $8 to make – less if you already own spray paint – and makes a very easy and fun display piece for appetizers. Love broiled fruit with cheese now :). A row of them would be pretty, or perhaps spaced about a party for cohesiveness? You could also try for a larger or smaller square tile for a different look.

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

DIY Slate Tile Cheese Board

Materials: 1 tile (I chose a 12×24 in a faux slate – it’s actually porcelain), wooden 1″ flat head plugs (found in the finish carpentry aisle), gold spray paint, wood glue, scrap wood

Any tile will do here. I chose a porcelain piece because it was pretty inexpensive ($3.50 for a 12×24″) and because slate is not so easy to find. If you were looking for the real deal you might try a tile shop that sells scraps. Quick note that stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot will often let you buy just one tile from their boxes of 10 or 25 if you just ask.

First up is painting the edges of the tile to give it that extra little bling. I found that rather than taping the tile, I simply placed the tile upside down on a scrap piece of wood and spray painted. It did the trick.

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

Next is applying ‘legs’. The wooden plugs work perfectly as legs, you could also cut down a dowel to size (especially if you were interested in a taller stand).

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

Attached with wood glue and allow to dry.

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

So easy and pretty! I think I might make several of these for outdoor parties this summer.

DIY $8 Gold Rimmed Slate Tile Cheese Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

Enjoy the start to your week!

On a side note… what do I do with all of this Easter candy??

Easter Egg Hunt, Taylor | PepperDesignBlog.com

I think that we may have participated in something like a half dozen egg hunts over the past two weeks. I can’t keep this stuff around.

PS more handmade gift ideas here, and crafty ideas (because I love me a good start-of-the-week project to think about…) here.

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6 comments on “DIY $8 Gold-Rimmed Cheese Board

  • Leslie

    What a cute idea! I’ve heard of using hardware store tiles for cheese boards, but I really like how you made the edge extra special. Do you think a paint pen would work too? (Assuming you could use it with a steady hand.) As for the Easter candy…that’s where working in an office setting is fantastic. I just take it there!

  • Jen K.

    Hi Morgan! I will actually be in San Diego later this month and I was wondering if you had any fun restaurant recs? We’ll be down there over my brother in laws birthday and thought it would be fun to go out to dinner. Any ideas? :)

    • Morgan Post author

      Hi Jen! Oh yes, definitely. Restaurant-wise, we love Searsucker, Prep Kitchen, George’s at the Cove, Urban Solace… there are so many excellent restaurants in San Diego :). Enjoy your time here!

      PS Let me know if you get this message, I’m trying a new wp plugin that emails the original commenter ;).

    • Morgan Post author

      Haha, right ;) – I have enough chocolate bunnies to last me until next Easter! Unfortunately they are of the large, half eaten kind at the moment.

      I don’t think you can donate wrapped candies to a shelter but I should look into that. It’s always a post-Halloween problem too because I don’t like to keep candy sitting around.

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