A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

This has been a busy week. Not unusually busy, but a little crazy nonetheless. 

It’s moments like this that I catch myself focusing inward when what I really need is a good distraction from the outside. That change of perspective helps me to recognize and love all of the little pieces of my day in a new way (even the moments where I stare at that pile of to-dos and groan).

Here’s an outward action that I can focus on at any time to lighten my load: laughter.

And not just giggles (though those are awesome), but full on belly laughs. Laughter that fills a room to its edges and that erupts in free spirit. Liv is excellent at those, especially when they’re spurred on by a certain someone.

Belly Laughs | PepperDesignBlog.com

Laughter is like sunshine for the soul. Even if it’s not me crying from laughter but I’m witnessing it – that’s the best.

Taylor is almost there. She cracks up at the most random things, and her belly laughs cause her whole body to shake. It’s totally contagious. I can’t wait until I understand what the heck she thinks is so funny.

Oh man, when’s the last time you had a good belly laugh? Are those not the greatest?

PS are you hitting your laughing quota? Is the 15:1 adult to kid laughter ratio really true??

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4 comments on “Random Thoughts: Today I’m Grateful for Distractions (and Belly Laughs)

  • Jen K.

    Oh I am so glad that I live with a toddler too because that is definitely upping my laugh quota! I was just thinking yesterday how wonderful each day is when you live with a toddler. Having that sweetness fill my life is sooo nice. :)

    • Morgan Post author

      Aren’t toddlers the BEST at that? Be it something that they say or something that they do… or just a good tickle.

  • Leslie

    Such adorable pictures. You know I love a good belly laugh from the kids. Good to know you’ve gotten a few of those moments in lately with Liv.

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