A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Repurposing Holiday Cards for Gift Tags | PepperDesignBlog.com

I recently came across the idea of recycling Christmas cards into gift tags in Martha Stewart Living and decided to try it out. I love receiving holiday cards – it’s truly one of those joys of Christmas that I most look forward to. It’s like old school, once-a-year Facebook. You get to check in with friends and family via smiling faces and a few kind words – it’s a little peek into what’s going on in their lives. Families that you haven’t seen in years still feel part of your world because of that little card. I also love that I feel like I’m reconnecting all season long by displaying their Christmas card in full view somewhere in the house.

It seems silly to waste so many beautiful, well-designed cards at the close of the holidays…

Reusing Holiday Cards for Gift Tags | PepperDesignBlog.com

So I pulled all of my craft punches, bakers twine and ribbon bits from my craft drawers to create holiday tags for next year. I already feel ahead of the game (I’m on a roll this year).

After cutting out favorite words or patterns, I used a simple slip knot on most so that I could either tie or tape the tag onto a future present:

Repurposing Holiday Cards for Gift Tags | PepperDesignBlog.com

Now I’ll put them all into a little ziplock baggie and throw them into my Christmas box out in the garage to be discovered in 11 months!

Recycling Holiday Cards into Gift Tags | PepperDesignBlog.com

Whoever thought up the idea of Christmas cards was really on to something… some of the relationships I have with friends from back in college, high school or even grade school exist because we swap cards of our families. I dig that we still get to stay connected and I LOVE the excuse for our family to take a family photo once a year (even if labeling, hunting down new addresses, mailing and all of that is such a pain). Can’t wait to find these sure-to-be-forgotten-about tags next year, we’ll see if reusing these cards as gift tags was worth the effort.

Do you display your holiday cards for a while or pull them down right after Christmas? I’m feeling like I took mine down a little earlier this year…

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