A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Pregnancy & Waiting | PepperDesignBlog.com

The kitchen floors are clean (I can’t explain it, it’s just my thing). Baby clothes have been washed and sorted (oh my! they’re so small, I forget how small they are). Hospital bag is (sort of) packed. My outstanding projects for work are near wrapped up and prepped for maternity leave. Everything feels ready.

So now we are waiting.

Today is my due date, according to six years of charting, that is. According to the doctors it’s actually this Friday. Either way it’s a terrible waiting game!

Liv was eleven days over (11!) which would technically take us into July. But this one makes me feel like she is going to come at any moment (other moms out there, know what I mean?). The doctors have offered induction (so different now that I’m going the OB route vs midwife delivery like I did with Liv), but I’m trying to remind myself to wait, wait.

Pregnancy & Waiting | PepperDesignBlog.com

So now we continue playing the waiting game.

But of course that means more paint and more cleaning, more organizing, more work, work. Gotta keep busy. PS if I suddenly disappear, you know where I am! If you’d like, stay in the loop on Instagram: @morganspenla. Waiting is the hardest part.

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14 comments on “Waiting…

  • Amber

    Waiting is the hardest part of pregnancy in my opinion!! Enjoy the last moments you have as “three” and try to rest. :) here’s to a happy and fast labor/delivery!!!

  • Wendy WB

    I hope that you don’t have to wait too long, I luckily didn’t have to wait my son came first thing in the morning on his due date!

  • Kate

    I’m hoping for a June 25th birthday… also known as the best day for a birthday ever (it’s also my birthday). It’s exactly six months from Christmas so presents are perfectly spread out.
    Be patient she’ll come when she’s ready. And I bet a couple hours into labor you’ll wish she wasn’t fighting to get out! :)

    • Morgan Post author

      Love the idea of June 25th! And great point on the half way between Christmas timeline – I always loved that my birthday fell in May because it was ‘sort of halfway’. Poor Liv and her January birthday…

  • Brittney

    I feel your pain mama! Nothing worse than being due in one month and actually delivering in another (Hudson was due May 22 and made his debut June 3). Good luck! Hope baby decided to arrive soon!

  • Kellie

    If you don’t mind sharing, why did you choose an OB over midwife this time? Thinking of you and hoping your little one comes soon! I remember all too recently that waiting game! Ted arrived promptly…26 minutes after my due date! Hang in there mama, she’s worth the wait! :)

    • Morgan Post author

      Hi Kellie! We loved the midwives the first time around, they were wonderful. I’m opting for a little more ‘medical intervention’ (aka an epidural) for this next one and have to be on a traditional hospital floor under OB monitoring, unfortunately. It’s been a good compare and contrast – two very different approaches to women, birthing and babies!

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