A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Forgive the blogging lull around here… this week has been an excitedly crazy week full of surprises because this little one celebrated a birthday yesterday:

That cutie with a double chin is me at about six months old. A little Livy, right?

The last two days have been full of sweet events with family and friends – Kevin stole me away from a quiet evening home last night with tickets to our favorite local theatre for a play I’ve been dying to see, followed by dinner at my favorite gourmet pizza spot! I took a half day from work on my actual bday and… ran errands. But all by myself! It was just what I had wanted to do and it was glorious perusing stores and shelves as slowly as I cared. On Tuesday my girlfriends and I all met up for foot massages and an authentic dumpling dinner (not at the same place but both in SD’s version of Chinatown ;)), and I have to tell you nothing is better to a pregnant lady. I feel truly blessed and truly spoiled.

Anyhow, be back soon, promise.

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