A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

It is a crisp but sunny day here in San Diego and I am soaking up our delicious fall weather. Fall has always been my favorite time of the year and especially for the weather right around this time, too. It’s cold enough at night to enjoy slippers and coco (I’ve made myself a mug a couple of times this past week, with marshmallows – I totally recommend it) but still sunny enough during the day to enjoy being outside for a nice walk at lunch or after work.

I’ve been known to pull out fall wear too early in September and October – you can’t wear knee high boots and layers of socks and cowl neck sweaters in San Diego during these months or you will boil. But now we are close! Maybe a couple of weeks away. And to all of you enjoying snow in your parts, insert my jealous grin here :).

Gold sequin dress, cowboy print, glitter nail laquer, baby fisherman’s cardigan, baby Frida skirt, rocking bird, button bootiesrock lamp base

That baby fisherman’s cardigan is amazing, as are those leather booties! And the cowboy print. Hope you are enjoying your fall!

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7 comments on “Falling For Fall… A Little Inspiration Board

  • Stephanie@cre8tive

    I can not wait to wear fall/winter clothes, but it seems to be taking forever in San Diego this year right? Then just when you think we’re there, it starts to get hot again, ugh! Love the rice crispy treats you made! They look so darn easy, maybe even I could make them.

    • Morgan Post author

      Yes, this SD weather is tricky this fall! It’s cool in the mornings and at night – but still HOT during the day. Winter is our fall :).

  • Leslie

    Great collection. I’ve definitely been eyeing all the sequin covered dresses this fall, and that sweater and skirt would be adorable on any toddler!

  • Valerie Malone

    Morgan, I recently moved from Nashville, TN to Edmonton, Alberta Canada for my husbands new fabulous job. I’m totally on board with the move, but your post hit home! I miss the unseasonably warm September and October of the south where you generally wouldn’t dream of boots or turtle necks yet. We just got 7 inches of snow a week ago here in Edmonton, it’s nuts! Enjoy warm sunny San Diego, and know that you can insert my jealous grin here. ;)

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