A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

I’m very excited to introduce you to today’s guest blogger. I first discovered Jennifer’s incredible crafty talent when a good friend of mine suggested I check out her sister-in-law’s blog, Seakettle. I was enthralled. Jennifer has a knack for repurposing, designing, baking and of course everything crafting – and she’s a fantastic photographer to boot.

Just for fun, here’s a sneak peek at her home this Christmas – it’s full of great handmade ideas:

Jennifer is a graphic designer living in Los Angeles — making, baking and creating!

Those are handmade chocolate leaves. Mmmm. And Jennifer makes molding them look so easy on her blog. More peeks at her projects and home after the jump. Plus her answers to Pepper’s four usual interview questions regarding inspiration, trends and top tips!


{PDB Interview with Jennifer of Seakettle}


What inspires your design style?

I’m inspired by the places I’ve been. It may sound cliché, but after living in four very different cities in recent years and traveling to many others, I see those cities when I decorate. The most amazing shop in Savannah inspired my living room, which is also filled with mementos that my husband and I have collected — sharks’ teeth from an island in Georgia, turquoise rocks from a mine in Arizona, urchin shells from our favorite Malibu beach. I love incorporating maps and memories into the design of our home so everything has a story. I can’t wait to give our patio an Italian flair and reminisce about Europe over a glass of red wine!


Jennifer’s living room (above) and her kitchen (below).

What do you love most about what you do?

I love making things beautiful. As a full-time graphic designer, I spend a lot of time creating websites and magazine layouts that are both functional and visually pleasing. While I also enjoy bringing functionality to our home, what I truly love is focusing on the visual aspects of it and all my undertakings (photography, crafts, baking). I love the satisfaction of setting a lovely table or arranging a fresh bouquet or new corner of the house.


What are your favorite design trends?

While I’m prone to painting old wooden furniture, I love seeing wood popping up in unexpected places. Wooden iPhone covers and alarm clocks are beautiful, as are faux bois dishes and tote bags. I also love wood decor in a more natural form — slices of logs as tables or candleholders, driftwood or branches for hooks and chandeliers.
In event design, I adore dessert tables. I love the impact they bring to a party and the limitless possibilities! I’ve been known to plan parties around them.

What are three design suggestions that you would like to offer our readers?

{1.} Repetition, repetition, repetition! Nowhere have I seen better evidence of the beauty of repetition than in Anthropologie stores. One hanging marshmallow or white sock or glass jar? Not much to look at. But hundreds of them? Gorgeous. While we can’t all decorate our small homes on the retail scale, I like to cluster photos and objects into asymmetric groups that make a greater impression as a whole than any of the individual pieces would have alone.

{2.} If you can’t buy it, make it. While this might not work for a designer couch, it’s surprising how a can of paint can transform a curb-side desk or old kitchen cabinets. Handmade is in! Make your own pillows, lampshades, art or table runners. You’ll love them all the more.

{3.} Give stuff away unless you absolutely love it, regularly use it, or know that someone would be hurt if you got rid of it. (People don’t usually include that last bit in their mantra, but I think it’s important to respect our generous family and friends!) Many of us have too much stuff, and I can say from experience that it can be both a mental burden and a visual assault when a space is filled with clutter.

Thank you, Jennifer!


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