A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

If you want to witness the most wonderful smile, give a baby a big balloon! No, Liv did not magically jump from 10 months to her first birthday, but it is Pepper Design Blog’s 2nd birthday! And we’re celebrating all week long.

I have such a fantastic line-up for you this week! I’m hosting a meet & greet (complete with bite-sized Sprinkles cupcakes and cappuccinos for everyone) tomorrow, announcing an AWESOME addition to the blog on Wednesday and giving a quick look behind-the-scenes to the happenings of everyday life over here later in the week.

Pair that with several fantastic giveaways from companies that I personally reached out to (so I that I can fully recommend their products) and that’s my celebration week in a nutshell.

There are just a few changes to announce today as well. You might notice my new little bio pic with Liv over there in the right sidebar, and if you click that new pic a brand new ‘About PDB’ page will pop up. Something to do if you have a bit of down time at the office.

If you read all the way through the About PDB page you’ll quickly notice that Pepper actually celebrated its birthday back in September. But there was so much going on that it flew right by without a second thought! So November is the blog’s honorary blogiversary this year ;).


EmersonMade Giveaway!

Let’s start off the week of celebration with a giveaway from one of my favorite companies! I fell in love with EmersonMade back when they specialized in the most beautiful fabric flowers – and now this hubby + wife team has jumped to a full line-up of chic clothing and jewelry that I adore.

Emerson designs all of the clothing and is the model for each photo that her husband Ryan shoots. Their clothing is sophisticated, sexy, well-made and timeless. You will definitely love their little brown tweed blazer in ten years as much as you will today. Other awesome items include their line of blouses (love these), denim, necklaces and even linens (see shot below with the flowers that used to be their trademark). Man, right about now I really wish I could enter this giveaway.


Giveaway: A gift certificate for $75! 

Blogiversary Question to Enter: Since it’s a week of celebration for PDB, I would love to know… how did you find Pepper Design Blog? :)

For Additional Entries: Become a Facebook fan of EmersonMade (they dish all of the good stuff on their FB page – including a great promo code for an additional % off right now) or Pepper Design Blog and leave a separate comment for each additional entry!

Giveaway ends Friday, November 11 at midnight PST, winner will be chosen randomly and announced the following Monday. Good luck!


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