A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

As promised, a few pics from our night of Halloween fun.

We began the evening with a trip around the block with all of the kiddies in their adorable costumes and ended the night with a delicious potluck at the house.

Here are a few shots from before the sun went down:

Look at that adorable Cowardly Lion! Such a cutie.

Here’s a group shot just before we headed out for a little trick o’ treating:

Awesome costumes! See that family of five there to the right? They’re ‘Gang-Green’, so great.

A close up of a few more costumes:

Our family theme was the Wizard of Oz – but Kev didn’t have much time for his Tin Man costume (despite the Awesome radiator cover I found) and ended up as a robot ;). Bodie was our Scarecrow but we forgot to dress him up for pictures!

Found Liv’s costume on eBay a couple of weeks ago. Such a treasure trove of discounted goodies!

Kev’s big day-of project were these ‘carved’ pumpkins. We didn’t do any real carving this year (maybe when Liv’s a bit older) but for some spooky ambiance Kevin picked up these guys from the local grocery store for $2 a pop, hollowed them out and drilled different sized holes in them. That’s my creative hubby!

Speaking of crafty ideas, my mom sent over pics from her latest Halloween party up in Northern California and I’m happy to say that this blogging/crafting business must run in the family.

Such a fun night. Liv might not remember it but we’ve captured plenty of adorable photos for her future wedding slideshow!

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