A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Hi friends & family, some sad news over here at the blog today. My Grandma passed away this week and, because this blog has turned into such an important journal of our lives, we thought it would be appropriate to share a few of her memories.

Grandma Rita was a generous and kind woman – someone who has left a mark on many many hearts. While her passing has been incredibly difficult, her life was abundantly blessed! Here are some photos that make me smile:

I love the photo with her family, Grandma is the last on the right in the bottom row (oh those glasses! and that hair! so trendy).

She was born in 1935 in a little farm in Earling, Iowa – a teeny tiny town of maybe 300. We still visit when we’re in that neck of the woods and we still have plenty of family there. Grandma married her high school sweetheart (to none other than that handsome Julius in her high school class picture) and had three children of her own.

Here’s the entire brood:

That’s my mom there in the middle in the left photo, and that ornery (Grandma’s favorite word) one in pink overalls who’s refusing to play along on the right is me.

Grandma married again about 10 years ago. She was so so happy in this photo on the left. In February, just after Liv was born, she came to visit Kevin and I, and we took the opportunity to take a photo of the four generations:

So special.

I found all of these great photos while helping to sort through binders at her home in Omaha and I’ll cherish the memories they bring. We’ve had our chance to say goodbye – but it’s consoling to know that now she’s looking down on us from heaven, and will continue to watch her family grow and flourish.

Grandma, we love you.

Morgan, Kevin & Liv

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12 comments on “In Honor of a Special Grandma

  • Morgan Post author

    Thank you, Shiori. Isn’t it? Amazing how styles come back around! Minus the collar this wedding dress would fit right in with our trends today – it’s just beautiful.


  • Shiori

    I’m so sorry about your grandmother. The pictures are all a wonderful remembrance of her and the joy she shared with her family. BTW, her wedding dress is just beautiful!

  • Morgan Post author

    Cristen, what a funny coincidence, I run into so many with family from Omaha and Iowa these days!

    Kellie, ‘ornery’ much be a Midwest thing – I hear it all the time out there. :)

    Thanks for the kind comments everyone, really really appreciate.


  • kellie


    I am so sorry to hear about your grandma…I am sure it was a tough week. It’s great when you get to be with family to share all those memories.

    Calling grandkids “ornery” must be an Iowa thing…my grandma called us that too ;)


  • Morgan Post author

    Thank you everyone, so very very much appreciated!

    Elle, I’ll let you know next time we are in town :).


  • Emily @ NewlyWife

    So sorry to hear the news of your loss. It can be so tough to lose loved ones. Thanks for sharing the photos, very cute. All the best to you and your fam.

  • SheilaG

    What a sweet memorial for your grandmother. I’m sorry for your loss, but what a great joy to know you will be reunited some day.

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