A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Wow, I can’t believe that June is almost over! The latest issue of San Diego Magazine is all about food and delicious places to find it locally. Jump out to page 76 in the digital edition to check out my contributions this month.

I still can’t believe it’s nearing the middle of summer {sweet July} and that the weather is really crankin’ up the heat around here. Our summer vacation will be spent, in part, biking across Iowa with our family in an event called RAGBRAI. I’m not really a biker nor do I particularly enjoy humidity in late July, but the entire family (in-laws, my parents and all of the brothers) are game so we’re making a go of it. If you’ll be sipping fruity drinks on a beach somewhere I’m not sure I want to hear about it.

We’ve been training a bit so that I don’t flat pass out after 20 miles, but yesterday was the first day that it really felt like the summer heat wave had arrived. The weather has been just beautiful.

But back to the magazine. This month’s issue features chicken hideaways (we have some of those), best San Diego restaurants and a feature on a gorgeous, sustainably built La Jolla home that I had the chance to tour before writing an article about it (for the full article, here’s the digital edition).

The June issue was all about good eats and so I assembled a collage of favorite kitchen renovation finds for a variety of styles. The spread was supposed to run parallel to a great full page kitchen but an ad snuck its way in instead.

I’m loving those stools and the mix of runners – nevermind the great pendants (especially that Glabraith & Paul one) and the tile.

Back to RAGBRAI training I go! Hope you have a few exciting adventures planned this summer, too!

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6 comments on “San Diego Magazine: June, The Good Eats Issue

  • Kellie Barney

    You are going to have so much fun at RAGBRAI!!! I am jealous that I will not be there AND I have never done it! Have fun, take lots of pictures, enjoy the evenings with all those crazy Iowans and if you have time, go on the Silly Silo at Adventureland a few times for me :)

  • Morgan Post author

    Sherry and Brittney,

    So happy to hear that it’s a great experience! Kevin and I both have family from Iowa so it really is a giant family reunion of sorts – except while biking. We’re renting an RV for 12 and I know it’s going to be a blast despite the weather and the intense workout!


  • Brittney

    You’re going to love RAGBRAI! I’m from Iowa (now in CA) and have been on it a few times and it is so fun. It’s actually going right through my tiny small town (Churdan) this year. The best I can describe it is “Spring Break on Wheels.” Have fun!!

  • Sherry Hart

    We have a similar ride in Georgia called BRAG (bike ride across Georgia) which I did one year mid July. Yes it was the hardest thing I have ever done and I teach spin. 60-70 miles a day in the heat AND we slept in tents at a campsite every night. Glad I could check that off my list. Not again. Whew it was HOT!!! good luck and can’t wait to hear about it.

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