A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. I’d like to use the next 40 days as an opportunity to reflect on the wonderful gifts I have been entrusted with.

I am blessed. I am abundantly blessed.

And for that I am truly grateful.

Update: Don’t worry – one reader thought that I might be taking a 40 day break. I’ll be fasting from other *areas* in my life, but this blog won’t be one of them. :-)

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5 comments on “A Time for Reflection

  • Jacinta @ modelmumma

    I could not give up the internet for Lent! I have however given up snacks and that is killing me! I’m SUCH a snacker. Sigh. Definitely doing some penance here. haha.
    We need some latest pics of Liv! :D

  • Nancy U

    I also like Lent, for many of the same reasons. Its also an excuse to eat more sushi. Which drives my husband nuts because you’re supposed to be “giving something up” on fish Fridays. Hard to get in the repentant spirit of things when you’re eating your favorite foods.

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