A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Wow it’s been busy over here! If you follow me on Twitter, you may have caught a sneak peek of our latest photoshoot for the April issue of San Diego Magazine. What’s better than a San Diego snow day? A spring bohemian picnic! Yesterday we set up shop at a beautiful local park and created one colorful spread. More to come on the behind-the-scenes and the great products featured.

BUT back to that San Diego snow day – because despite the recent 70ish degree weather, San Diego welcomed a good 18″ of the soft and powdery stuff this past weekend!

On Sunday we drove out to the edge of San Diego to introduce Liv to the snow for the first time.

I don’t think she really noticed while she was snug-as-a-bug in her Moby.

It was beautiful.

What does one do when a fresh blanket of snow (cold enough to stay!) surprises us? Build snowmen, of course.

And then the weather yesterday was sunny, bright and nearly called for shorts. Oh San Diego, you are full of surprises!

In other weekend fun, our friends threw their son a Mr. Man first birthday party that was inspired by this post. It was adorable.

I made Liv a matching tie outfit – she’s my little future corporate lady!

Here’s how I’m imagining this baby conversation went down:

Michael: “so… do you come here often?”

Liv: “oh you know”

Michael: “lemme get your digits”

Alright, enough playing. Back to the house remodel we go!

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8 comments on “Weekend Fun: Surprise Snow & a Mr. Man Party

  • Janelle

    Ha! Julian was my second guess!! I’ve never seen that much snow stick anywhere in SD. Pretty incredible, crazy weather.
    I was in Phoenix last week, and even they got snow on Saturday night! On Sunday we drove to Scottsdale – the air was so clear and the snow capped mountains were really beautiful!! :)

  • Jingke

    Hi from China.Awesome,baby is so cute.What a fun party.Looks so great. The tie outfit are awesome.Last weekend,we had a first birthday party for my son and his friend Mingming,they all have fun.

  • Morgan Post author

    Hi Janelle,
    We were just outside of Julian in these photos – I’ve never seen so much snow stick, even in east county :).


  • Janelle

    The snow pics are awesome — where were they taken? East county, maybe out near Descanso?? Baby Liv looks like she stayed nice and cozy and warm! What a fun day trip for you.
    And the party looks perfect for a little boy’s birthday. The t-shirts are too cute!!

  • Sandi

    wow! we were supposed to get some snow in SF, but it never materialized. I guess its all down there?
    Fun party! love the ties!

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