A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Wow am I late on this one. I’m pretty sure I promised that the winner would be posted last Monday, but then… you know the story. My apologies on stretching this out so far.

Air Purifier, Nursery, Pepper Design Blog, Stream lined, Clean Design, Allergies

Congratulations to Adriane on winning the Lowe’s Air Purifier giveaway! She and her husband are tackling a huge list for their 1953 ranch home including installing a dishwasher and a deck (best of luck with those projects!). An email is headed your way :).

All giveaway winners are chosen using random.org. A big thanks to everyone who entered!

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One comment on “Lowe’s Air Purifier *Giveaway* Winner

  • Adriane

    EEK! That’s me! What a fun surprise this morning. I’m so grateful and excited. We were actually at Lowe’s on Sunday getting some supplies and finished two more projects, lol. I’ll look for your e-mail soon, and congrats again on beautiful Liv!

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