Kevin and I have heard from countless friends how important it is to have an air purifier in the nursery, and that this item alone can cut down on airborne allergens such as dust, mildew, pollen and pet hair (our Bodie sheds a TON) to keep baby happy and healthy.
We were thrilled when Lowe’s offered to gift us with an air purifier from their new line of Idylis models to test out in the space, especially after learning that each unit contains a HEPA filter that removes up to 99.97% of airborne particles that aggravate sensitive allergies (for the nursery or any room in the house)!
The best part? They’re gifting one of these babies to a reader as well!
Our home was built in the 1930s and while we do our best to keep it in tip top shape, there’s little that we can control when it comes to old house syndrome. With a baby on the way, indoor air quality has suddenly shot to the top of the list and we’ve invested in recent updates to our ventilation system by adding a furnace and ac unit (I can’t believe we’ve been living without the beauty of heat for the past 2 1/2 years!).
The easiest update (and cheapest by far, a big thank you to Lowe’s) was adding the Idylis Small Room Air Purifier to the nursery, which sufficiently covers 194 sq ft of space and needs a filter replacement only once every 18 months (check out this neat air purifier comparison chart), and we’re so happy with it!
The size is perfect for a little nook in the nursery and the unit creates only a soft purr when on (super quite and the bit of background white noise will actually aid babe in sleeping better).
Here are all of the fancy specs:
-For rooms up to 194 square feet
-Dimensions: 24.0″ (H) x 11.9″ (W) x 10.4″ (D)
-HEPA filtration removes 99.97% of airborne particulates
-125 CADR Rating
-Convenient filter change indicator
-LED display
-Simple electronic controls
-Quiet performance
-Carbon pre-filter effectively removes odor and larger airborne particles
-Innovative flat front panel for a streamlined, easy-to-clean design
This unit isn’t built specifically for nurseries though, it’s perfect if you have killer allergies like me, pets in the house or just prefer cleaner and fresher air in any space (I’m thinking of investing in one for the office as well).
Giveaway: Lowe’s is giving away a Small Room Air Purifier to a lucky reader (valued at $150 including tax and shipping).
To Enter: Since we’re big fans of DIY projects (and Lowe’s is our kind of store) share your most recent (or upcoming) home project! I know you must have some good ones on that New Year’s Resolution List…
For Additional Entries: Become a fan of PDB on Facebook and be sure to leave a separate comment to share that you currently are or just added Pepper Design Blog!
Giveaway ends Friday, January 7 at midnight PST, winner will be chosen randomly and announced the following day. Good luck!

I’m already a FB fan!
Actually, my latest diy was painting a stripe across one wall in our LR. Then I painted 2 pieces of duron (measured to the same width and length as a picture frame I was going to use) a slightly darker color for contrast. Now it’s all hanging elegantly. Seems confusing but it’s not really. (I had to do this cause we rent and I sort of messed up the wall – and I needed a fix before the holidays and to hide my mistakes from the landlord.)
I just moved … so unpacking and figuring out where everything will go is my next project! (And my current project. And, at this rate, my forever project …)
Kitchen cabinets are getting painted…my week long project is turning into a month long one!
Very cool. We put in a new room for one of our kids last spring. It was a big job and we weren’t exactly sure we could do it but we did. We put up the studs,drywall, new flooring and a door.Took a three day weekend.
We are currently looking for a new home that we can remodel to make our own. It would be our fourth home in ten years of marriage and hopefully the last home!
Became a fan on facebook!
Our next home improvement is our gazebo in our backyard. Once it stops raining, we can finally work on it!
I love the backsplash you used for your kitchen remodel! I think i’ll look into something like that for my next home improvement adventure!
My latest ideas are to plant more trees in the backyard, maybe fix up the fence, and figure out how to stop a yapping chiwuawua (sp?)
I love goes to lowes and checking out new home project ideas. I think next I’ll start on the backyard because valentine’s day is just around the corner.
I’ve been debating whether to start a new project or finish all my old ones, per a New Years Resolution…
Our next home project will be stripping and painting two more chairs for our kitchen table. I can’t wait to cross it off of my to-do list.
Our next home project is a kitchen overhaul! It has been stuck in the 70s for far too long and it is time to join present day! :)
I have many DIY projects still…most of them involve painting furniture, and then covering other items in fabric, or the tiny little things for wall decor, etc…:) And, my husband says I need to finish one before I start the other b/c he is right, I like to jump around!
Already a subscriber
Just replaced the faucet in the kitchen (and all the spickets beneath), but I’m dying to redo my bedroom. It has to look more like a romantic space than like a laundry room:)
We’re turning a large, old wooden crate into a bar area for our living room–finishing the top with corks I’ve collected over years of bartending!
Thanks for the giveaway Lowe’s!
I am currently working on a nursery as well! Loving the updates on yours! Thanks for this fun giveaway!
also friended ya on facebook
for the first time i organized all my xmas stuff in actual plastic bins, not gross cardboard boxes. thanks lowes.
I am a facebook fan already!!!
The next project for us is our half bath. There is a awkward wall from the shower which will be torn out and the idea is to add a glass shower enclosure (to make the bathroom feel bigger). I will first need to tear everything out and install a new shower pan. Should be fun for a first time homeowner. I can add that to the list of first time projects. Thanks for the great blog!
I wanna be a facebook fan but it is blocked at my work computer! :-(
My most recent project is DIY wall art.
– Danielle
other-option AT hotmail DOT com
We are tiling the floor in our sunroom and re-doing the half bath in the space…we’re halfway there!
We just finished remodeling our kitchen! Thank goodness it’s almost done!
Just added you on Facebook! :)
We are working on landscaping the front of our house and building a fire pit for the back yard.
We’ll be creating custom furniture for our office. We want tons of surface space!
I just added you on Facebook. Glad to know you’re on there. :)
I just got my first sewing machine—can’t wait to make my own curtains!
big fan on facebook! love pepper!
I just recovered all my dining room chairs over the New Year’s weekend!!
Your nursery is so pretty but I can’t wait to see Baby S in it! My husband and I are tackling a huge list for our 1953 ranch home. We just found out two of our projects (installing a dihwasher and a deck) aren’t as DIY-appropriate as we thought…boo. Oh well, back to the drawing board!
I would love this air purifier. My sister has one and she loves it.
Our latest project was spray painting a set of candle sticks that I got from Goodwill!
I just love what you did to your nursery! Could I copy that for my next project?
I have been just working on decor for our place, adding little touches here and there to make it more us.
I have just finished building a new and improved deck around our pool. It was quite the project. I am so glad to be finished with it! Whats next?
Lately, I have been working on just keeping things organized and clean. Isn’t that always the project? :-)
My family is basically rebuilding a house from the inside out, so an air purifier would be wonderful! Our latest project is the bathroom!
Just found your blog – LOVE it! My next DIY will be a gift more than a home project. I’m making personalized cork coasters for guests at my very first dinner party!
My husband has been working on his “man den” and on building a new back porch! But I could use the purifier in our nursery for sure!
We did tons of projects when we first moved into our house, but for the past month Christmas has been our project!!
Most of my home projects involve sitting on the couch and watching sports, but I always trim the hedges up really nicely!
I am about finished making a dog mansion for the backyard!
Just this weekend, we got a working dishwasher! I did my first load last night! Woo Hoo!
I am a fan on facebook too!
Our DIY project is turning our master bedroom into more of a retreat! An air purifier would be perfect in our 1940’s home with my allergies!
Painted kitchen walls and cabinets. Ripped up old linoleum in the kitchen and replaced it with the vinyl stick tiles from Lowes.