A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Here’s a great little blog that I travel out to quite often. Helena highlights everything design and shares regular inspiration on fashion, food, travel, home, party decor… you name it!

My favorite is a regular post called “My Stuff Series” where she creatively shares the loves of a fellow blogger (from places to shoes to bedding to perfume) and I always walk away eager to try out a new shampoo or lip gloss, or hunt down that great cardigan that was featured (the series is based off of Vanity Fair’s “My Stuff” series and is plenty of fun).

I love Helena’s casual writing style (almost as if you really were peaking into her ‘diary of lovely’) and the fun images she includes. She’s all-over-the-board talented and super cute. You don’t want to miss her interview answers to PDB’s four questions – especially Helena’s highlights of favorite trends and all of the fabulous images! (Did I mention she lives in London?? Added bonus).

Let’s jump right into the interview with A Diary of Lovely.


{PDB Interview with Helena of A Diary of Lovely}


What inspires your design style?

Everything around me. My style has evolved incredibly since I started blogging. I have always liked interiors and fashion but now I have a more global view and at the same time a more closed one, a more communal one, the blogland one. I have met some incredible ladies, extremely talented that daily inspire me through their blogs, their ideas, DIY, beauty and kindness. London inspires me, it’s such an incredible city with something going on every single minute. I’m inspired by my loved ones, fashion, art, blogs, magazines, books, anything and everything really.

A little vignette in my apartment, inspired by many magazine, blogs and talented people

What do you love most about what you do?

Blogging has brought me incredible joys. It’s a learning curve. When I first started almost a year ago I would have never thought that it would take this path. I remember hiding it from everybody and never sharing it, it was my secret. Now I still shrug when someone asks me about it but the reactions are always positive and this is incredible. Hearing my mom and dad proudly tell shop owners “my daughter has a blog” and chatting about it always put a smile in my face (and a bit of embarrassment as they do it rather too often!). it has also boosted my self confidence, hence my weekly outfits post :) I have loved incredible virtually meeting some great blog friends, I treasure them because we share so much in common. The blogosphere is to me a micro cosmos, not different from the real one, but one where we all have common interests and somewhere to enjoy your passions, it’s absolutely incredible!

What are your favorite design trends?

I don’t necessarily follow trends, or yes? Probably I do, or at least I try, I say I don’t mainly because I can’t really afford my big loves trends but I do have some favorites.

1. Upholstered headboards. It is without a question the one trend I would love to go for. I love the feeling and how it immediately changes a room. I have seen some brave ladies upholstering and making their own and that’s my dream, I’m not sure it is possible at the moment but I definitely want to try it some day.

PS – here’s a quick tutorial!

2. Art Walls, so personal, so lovely


3. Trays, I love little vignettes and trays make a great impact on the eye.


4. Lucite, I never get tired. I want coffee tables, ghost chairs, boxes, anything!


5. Wallpaper. Before starting my blog and getting involved in the blogosphere I dreaded wallpaper, it reminded me on old tired houses, now this idea belongs to the past and if I could I would make good use of some great designs!


What are three design suggestions that you would like to offer our readers?

That’s a difficult one, who am I to suggest anything? There are so many talented ladies and gents out there that can really give great advices! Follow your heart and do what you please, your home will be yours and you have to do what you love and will make happy.

Thank you so much Morgan, I’m honored to be here among some great ladies! xoxo


If you loved this interview, check out more great spotlights {and tips & tricks!} from fantastic bloggers!

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