A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

You can’t believe how overjoyed and excited we were to learn that the FIRST of our brood has laid an egg. We were beginning to wonder if we’ve been doing something wrong… ever since we built the coop and picked up our ladies from an out-of-town farmer, we’ve excitedly checked the nesting box morning and night.

Well two months later (almost to the day) Ethel has made us proud with her very first egg!

But you might notice that something isn’t right… no, I think Ethel has learned her laying lesson: do not attempt to nest while dangling from the roosting pole (several feet from the ground).

Ethel examines just to make sure. Good thing she doesn’t have any experience in this yet, maybe she doesn’t know that she broke it.

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