A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Today’s guest interview is all about the party… from fabulous celebration inspiration to great gift guides Pizzazzerie (and the delightful creator behind it) shares delicious party details on a very well organized site (I love that).

Courtney, who’s self-proclaimed favorite dessert is vanilla cupcakes, designed Pizzazzerie after a growing love of entertaining for family and friends during college. She shares that her love of entertaining comes “from the pure joy of hosting parties that create memories”, and her site is full of oodles of memory-making inspiration.

{Pizzazz: An attractive combination of energy and style.}

While you’re on the site, be sure to check out the great Paperie Guide, adorable Children’s Parties and beautiful Wedding Showcases but together by a collection of contributing writers.

Follow me as we jump out to the full interview, including Courtney’s favorite party trends, her three party must-have suggestions and how she describes her design style!


{PDB Interview with Courtney}


What inspires your design style?

I could probably go on and on with this one because I’m inspired by even the smallest things. Sometimes I “see” a party in something as simple as a cute handbag! Patterns, fonts, and colors all inspire me to design fabulous parties and events to share with the readers of my site. Of course other parties and the talented event planners I have met along this journey inspire me on a daily basis, but I also find simple joy in creating a party around something I found out and about in Nashville, TN. I am working on a fun Music City tablescape now – think fun guitars and earth tones! We all have that excited feeling when we see something we really enjoy (a stylish dress, fabulous wallpaper, cute china plates) – I love to bring those to life in a party!

What do you love most about what you do?

Ooh this one is tough! Of course I love styling the few events I design each year, but my main job is running pizzazzerie.com and sharing entertaining inspiration with my readers on a daily basis. What I love MOST would have to be brainstorming with my 2 fantastic writers and my Mom. They are a joy to work with on a daily basis and the three of us are filled to the brim with exciting ideas for the future of the site. We are all designers with a marketing twist and love to creatively brainstorm fun ideas. They keep me going on the long nights when HTML and I are just not getting along :).

What are your favorite design trends?

Ooh, favorite design trends. I’d have to say that getting creative beyond the party table is something I am loving! This is anything from hanging parasols for a wedding or baby shower – or using antique couches outdoors for a dinner party or wedding reception. Who says you have to sit on lawn chairs outside? Or only see a light fixture from the ceiling? Get creative! Try the unusual and you might just be surprised! I’m also loving the unique color pairings I am seeing. Gray has been quite popular matched with yellow lately – and I agree it’s gorgeous! I also love pink and mocha – a color pair we recently featured on the site. Not being afraid to match unusual colors together can be a fun way to add pizzazz to your party or event! And I just have to add buffets/bars – this trend is probably long gone, but I will always adore them and enjoy seeing how people are finding new ways to continue the trend (for example: ice cream sundae bar, candy buffet, pizza bar, etc!).

What are three design suggestions that you would like to offer our readers?

{1} Paper! There are so many fabulous ways to use paper to enhance a stylish event. I recently showcased this very trend on a local Nashville news segment, explaining how scrapbook paper is a party designer’s best friend! There are so many fabulous ways to use it – as placemats, water bottle labels, candy bar labels, the list goes on! And with all the fun printables out there now, you can create favor boxes (we love Paper & Pigtails’ favor boxes) – the possibilities are endless!

{2} Favors! I wouldn’t say this is a trend exactly but a suggestion :) There isn’t a party I throw where I don’t give a favor. This can be as simple as a chocolate chip cookie in a cellophane bag with a pretty bow. Sending guests home with a little something is the icing on the cake to a fun event. It is the happy ending and shows you have gone the extra mile to make them feel special. Lots of bakeries are even offering to wrap their treats as favors with personalized labels. Or get creative with your favor and incorporate it into the party! I’m hosting a beer tasting in August where everyone will get a glass mug as they enter. I’m adding a bit of personalization by etching a logo with the date, birthday info, etc onto the glass. Find fun ways to send your guests home with a favor!

{3} Patterns! I am loving fun stripes these days, but any type of pattern can be a fun addition to a party from the tablecloth (I love using fabric as tablecloths), plates, ribbon, etc. Solids are great, but there are so many options these days with fun patterns. I’m working on a party now that is inspired by a simple plate from Target that is blue, yellow, and green stripes! Simple but fun. We are incorporating the stripes all around the party. Color schemes are fun, but try pattern schemes and get creative!

Thank you, Courtney!


Images in this interview are from Courtney of Pizzazzerie.

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