A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

After hearing a lot of great feedback on keeping you connected with all that’s going on here at Pepper, I recently added a Subscribe by Email button to the right hand sidebar making it easy to receive regular posts whenever something new is posted!

Simply enter your email address, hit ‘enter’, and confirm your address through an email that’s automatically sent to you. I promise that only new posts from Pepper will come your way… email addresses are collected by feedburner and are not used for any other purpose!

Hope you find this new feature easy and helpful :).

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2 comments on “New Feature: Subscribe by Email!

  • Michelle

    I already subscribe via RSS, but I wanted to say, it’s a great addition to your blog. I was shocked at how many people subscribe to mine via email instead of RSS. I hope you get a bunch of new readers. :-)

    • Morgan Post author

      Thanks, Michelle! I think it’s a pretty cool feature and subscribe to several blogs via email too. Hope it makes checking in easier for everyone!


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