A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

This is a wonderfully sweet idea. Simply Modern Mom made these by hand for her daughter’s first birthday, but they would be just as lovely as a substitute wedding guestbook to be opened and read at an anniversary date. Or maybe as wishes for a baby on the way? Something to cherish and open when he or she is old enough to read?

Stop by and check out the step-by-step directions, you’ll love Tiffany’s blog. Speaking of blogs to recommend, I have a new Friday Guest Interview set for tomorrow – another one of my favorites.

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4 comments on “Handmade Birthday Fortunes

  • megan

    Great idea, I think i will make them *just because* and keep them by the door! I was at Homedepot the other day and as we were entering they handed us little random pieces of paper for the word of the day. MY sons was: excitement (he tends to run away- exciting me), my daughters was strength (she is the organizer, and boss) and mine was: Humour (because I need a sense of humour). So even if it was a silly game, it made the experience much better.

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