A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

I can’t recall where I first discovered 6th Street Design School but I became a regular follower immediately. Kirsten is an aspiring designer in the very last semester of design school – and she shares creative and fun suggestions for reworking your space on a regular basis.

Her ideas are bright, colorful and inspiring. I’m always motivated to reupholster a bench, find a new rug or hunt down that perfect lampshade after reading Kirsten’s latest post. I can’t wait to see her in action when she graduates and I LOVE my daily dose of 6th Street inspiration.

In her own words: “This blog is a place for me to express my ever-evolving style and to share what I love about Interior Design.  I want to document things I love.  I call this blog 6th Street Design School because even after I graduate I always want to be a student of Design. I never want to stop learning.”

If Kirsted could be a room, this would be her:

Kirsten’s remodel of her son Jett’s room really caught my eye and I posted on it back in January.

If you love her style as much as I do, you will adore her four answers to PDB’s interview questions as well as wonderful eye-candy from her own home and her inspiration!


{PDB Interview with Kirsten}


What inspires your design style?

Most definitely my design style is affected most by blogs and magazines. I spend hours clicking through design blogs getting inspiration for projects. I love it when I see something that I would never have thought of trying. I get inspired by pink walls, bold patterns, painted floors, DIY projects, funky pillows, stripes and just about everything else creative that people blog about.

I also love to flip through a good design magazine. After the loss of Domino I clung on to my House Beautiful subscription and it has become one of my favorites. Sometimes I will turn the pages of that magazine and I can barely breathe it’s so lovely. I love it when I can flip through a magazine before bed and dream about design all night.

What do you love most about what you do?

I am currently in my last semester of school to get my degree in Interior Design. Anyone that has gotten a degree in Interior Design can tell you it is HARD work. I had a vision that it would be mostly fun and that I would just choose great fabrics all day. It’s not like that. It is hard work. Even after all the stress I can say I LOVE learning about Interior Design. Blogs provide a lot of knowledge and beautiful pictures but it can’t replace space planning skills and all the technical aspects that a classroom provides.

Studying Interior Design has made me realize that it is all I want to do for the rest of my life. What I love most about what I do is that it makes me happy and gives me such a passion for life that was missing for a long time. My blog has given me a place to express my ideas and to indulge in what I truly love.

What are your favorite design trends?

I Love them all! I am seriously a sucker for trends. Even though I know a few years from now they will look tacky I can’t help but fall for them every time. Maybe it’s tired but let’s be honest, I can take a good trellis pattern any day. Kelly Wearstler is my favorite and I feel like having having her pattern in my home makes my room somehow instantly fantastic. I love sunburst mirrors, chalkboard paint, graphic prints and lets not forget wallpaper! I say if who cares if it is a trend. If you love it then it doesn’t matter. My trellis pillow, cherry blossoms, garden stool and funky posters may look bad in a few years but until then they make me happy every time I walk into my living room.

What are three design suggestions that you would like to offer our readers?

{1} Pillows are the key to a great room. Some people say it’s the sofa or the lighting or the rug but I think it’s the pillows. If a sofa is covered in fabulous pillows in great patterns then you will forget everything else. Save your money for great pillows, it is worth it. And make sure they are down filled.

{2.} Don’t be like everyone else.  Just because everyone and their dog has something doesn’t mean you have to as well. Your home should be a reflection of you and not your neighbor.  Don’t be afraid to be different. When someone says that they don’t like something in my house I don’t change it.  Trust yourself.

{3} If your unsure about designing your own home then hire a designer.   They can get discounts and they know where to shop. You will end up spending less in the long run if you buy the right stuff the first time.  And if you are building a home space planning is essential. A designer can help you with that.

Thank you, Kirsten!

Images in this interview can be credited to Kirsten at 6th Street Design School, Lonny Magazine and Domino Magazine

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10 comments on “Friday Guest Interview: 6th Street Design School

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    You may have not intended to do so, but I think you have managed to express the state of mind that a lot of people are in. The sense of wanting to help, but not knowing how or where, is something a lot of us are going through.

  • Karen Zimbelman

    Kirsten just did a consult for me and the two hours she spent in my home were totally amazing. She gave me the confidence to move forward with some of my quirky ideas and gave me some amazing suggestions. I’ll be posting pictures soon. She is awesome – I’m a fan.

  • JMR

    If you think Kirsten’s blog is inspiring try having her in all your classes. Having her around raises the standard that much more. It is so fun being surrounded by smart,talented designers every day in a setting that makes us all grow. Thanks for the great post, you picked the perfect person to interview!

  • Therese Long

    I’m so impressed with this lovely young lady!
    It’s so wonderful how she is pursuing her passion in interior design. It’s clear she is thoroughly enjoying it!! I look forward to following her as she graduates and pursues her career.

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