A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Ribbon Necklace Tutorial 2

A couple of weeks ago Bethany asked me to guest post for her lovely blog, b*spoke. I was so honored and thought it the perfect opportunity to expand on another {design favorite} of mind: wardrobe inspiration. Jump on over to see two easy tutorials on turning simple strands of beads (and old necklaces) into modern & stylish ribbon jewelry!


On that note… I’ve been ever-so *wishful* that one day I might be able to expand PDB’s daily design inspirations to encompass everyday fashion too – expanding from the home & entertaining worlds to encompass all three of these ‘loves’.

What do you think? Is it too much? Do you come to PDB just for home inspiration, entertaining ideas, or both? Are blogs best left to their niche – and to what they do best? Hmmm… I’d love to hear your thoughts on what direction you’d like to see Pepper Design Blog go, or where you’d like it to stay! Do share.

Ribbon Necklace Tutorial 1

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6 comments on “PDB is Guest Blogging Over at b*spoke Today!

  • Michelle

    I’m mostly a reader for the entertaining info. I think you have good content now But I wouldn’t at all be opposed to you adding something more/different. I think that it must be difficult to feel pigeon holed into only writing about certain things. At least, that is the way I would feel.

    All that being said, I truly hope that it will be things you’re genuinely interested in and not turn it into peddling products. Maybe I’ve been jaded as of late, but it sucks when content goes out the window to someone pushing stuff that they really aren’t interested in just because their readership has increased to levels that interest advertisers.

    • Morgan Post author

      Hi Michelle,
      Thanks for the note. I absolutely agree on the great content part – a blog is nothing if not for it’s daily dose of unique, thoughtful and inspired posts to share. I’m disappointed as well when favorite blogs start to ‘pitch’ items clearly intended for sponsors. While I know that sponsors make it possible for many of our favorites to dedicate the time they do to blogging, it’s important to not let that change the editorial integrity of a blog. I can at least promise on this end that that’s never been my motive. Thank you for your thoughts on this!

      I’m not opposed to sticking with my entertaining and home inspiration theme either, I’m more intrigued in knowing the style of blogs that people gravitate towards. I have, for example, my hostessing blogs, my home design blogs and my fashion blogs. I don’t know if I have many that are all three – and would I visit one that was? Since the other blogs have really tackled their niche in a great way?


      Thanks, Michelle!

    • Morgan Post author

      Hi Molly, Thank you for taking the time to respond! I’m so happy to hear that you’re a thumbs up towards expanding out to fashion and wardrobe inspiration… and I’m so honored by your compliment!

      I would be oh-so-curious to know what the other couple of thousand readers think? I know you’re out there (google analytics doesn’t lie – or do they?), promise I don’t bite! But I’ll take {silence as golden} at the end of the day, if you insist :).

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