A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Friday Guest Blog Interview: All Things Lovely

Welcome back to PDB’s Friday Guest Blog Interview series! The blogging world is so darn amazing… there are so many wonderful people in this great big world that share some of the neatest inspirations and projects. I hope you don’t mind my weekly interruptions to share some of my favorites… and I think you’ll really like this one.

This blog needs little in the ways of an introduction… the name alone is enough to giveaway how sweet Kylie’s daily stories and projects are! In Kylie’s words… All Things Lovely “is a collection of things I’ve been making, ideas I like and all things that I find lovely.” She spends her days in the beautiful city of Sydney, Australia (and I am oh-so-jealous), being crafty and playing with her labrador, Indiana.

Friday Guest Blog Interview: All Things Lovely Refashions

I found this special blog through the above DIY lampshade refashion last year. I used it for my own bedroom lampshades and was so pleased with how they turned out!

Stop in for a peak at Kylie’s Etsy store, Avonlea Designs, to see her creations first hand. She also designs beautiful handmade invitations through her online company: Little Bird Blue.

BUT before you jump out to the blog, check out Kylie’s answers to PDB’s four Q’s (which I can’t help but read in a delightful Australian accent) and take a peak into her crafty workspace.


{PDB Interview with Kylie of All Things Lovely}


What inspires your design style?

I love to pore over blogs, home magazines and books. I get so many ideas from each of these different sources. I have folders on my computer where I keep photos that have inspired me. Every so often I go through them and see what elements I can use in what I’m doing.

My workplace is also pretty creative, and so I am often inspired by what our graphic design department is doing and how I could incorporate different elements into my own home. Even wonderful places like Etsy are so great for getting an idea of new trends and what could work in my home. Plus of course a lot of it just comes down to personal taste. I don’t like everything I see, and a lot of my decorating is a similar style to what I’ve done for years. I guess it just gets a little bit moderned up!

Friday Guest Blog Interview: All Things Lovely Room Workspace

What do you love most about what you do?

On a daily basis I’m in an accounting/financial role where not much creativity or design is really allowed without raising some serious questions from our auditors! My desk is fairly pretty though! I really do get the best of both worlds though because that is something I enjoy and then I get to come home and decorate or create to my hearts content. I have two online businesses, my Etsy store (Avonlea Design) and my wedding stationery business (Little Bird Blue Designs). These are both a wonderful creative outlet for me, which helps relax me and I’m also blessed to have constant beauty around.

Friday Guest Blog Interview: All Things Lovely

I absolutely love when brides are just so excited about their wedding invitations, it makes my heart smile that I’ve been able to help in a small way on such a special day in their lives. In terms of design, I love that after coming up with a sort of vision in my head and researching or playing around with different ideas there is always something lovely at the end of it. It’s nice to always see a reward for your work.

Friday Guest Blog Interview: All Things Lovely Etsy Shop Invitation

What are your favorite design trends?

I’m absolutely loving the leaning towards the pretty and feminine. Growing up my room would always be incredibly pretty and girly (except for a short geometric and primary colours stage I went through when I was about 10!) Finally it seems my taste in ‘in’!

I enjoy the focus on handmade and bringing those elements into your home, less mass produced decorating and more heartfelt. I also like the vintage and retro styles. I really do wish I was a 50’s housewife some days, and the fact that there is so much around to decorate in that style Is fantastic! The fact that so many effective styles now are focusing on mixing and matching so many different styles is a style in itself, but I think it makes home far more personal.

Friday Guest Blog Interview: All Things Lovely 3

What are three design suggestions that you would like to offer our readers?

{1} Your home is a reflection of you. It’s always nice to incorporate the latest trend, but at the end of the day I’d rather have something sentimental and special displayed in my home, even though it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing. I tend to decorate more with what I actually love than what a magazine tells me I should.

{2.} Don’t be afraid to try things. Make some new curtains, paint a wall, change out your taps, move your furniture around. It’s not expensive and can make such a huge difference. If you don’t like it, most times it’s easy fixed!

{3} Make it easy on yourself to change your style. In my own home, I’ve tended to decorate in fairly neutral tones for the bigger items. Latte coloured walls, a chocolate brown sofa etc. I can easily change my lounge room for example each season by popping in new cushions, a few vases and perhaps changing some artwork. It hardly costs anything but can certainly change the whole feel of a room.

Thank you, Kylie!

Credits for Images: All photos belong to Kylie of All Things Lovely



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