A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Favorite Fabrics - Heather Bailey

I found this beautiful collection by Heather Bailey (shared by All Things Lovely) and thought it would be an ideal addition to PDB’s Favorite Fabrics (see the right hand sidebar button for the entire list to browse). If fabrics with names like ‘kissing booth’, ‘porch swing’ and ‘sugar mallow’ don’t make you smile, the country chic-meets-retro prints most definitely will.

Her latest line: Nicey Jane, is a feminine kickback to all things your grandmother probably loved (you might find yourself reminiscing about a window treatment or two!).

I’d adore a quilt made out of big patches of her entire collection.

Favorite Fabrics PDB Heather Bailey

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