A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Ruthie Sommers Refashion Before and After

I am inspired this New Years to find beauty in the old — to embrace the well-worn as well-done and honor the original craftsmanship of ‘outdated pieces’ by providing them a new lease on life. Perhaps it’s a need to downsize, or maybe it’s that I’m not ready to throw in the decorating hat even though I have accumulated more than enough furniture to fill the house.

Ruthie Sommers Before & After

Refurbishing is clearly the answer! With the unfortunate lack of space to add more ‘stuff’ — I continue my decorating adventures without having to give up previous ‘stuff’.

Ruthie Sommers (spotlighted in December) is an excellent example of a very posh interior designer who regularly scrounges through the thrift store circuit to come up with THESE incredible projects! The room at top (how perfect is that room?) is filled with this sofa (above) and this dresser (below).

Ruthie Sommers Before & After: Chest

Wow! is all I have to say to that. Follow the jump for three more refashions by Sommers.

Ruthie Sommers Refashion Before and After: Chairs

I found Ruthie’s initial refurbishing projects on Style Court, which lead me over to design*sponge where I came across these three additional projects.

Ruthie Sommers Reupholstery: Couch

The above sofa is definitely reminiscent of something I’ve seen thrown out on the street corner waiting to be hauled away… but check out the incredible legs and structure of the couch! It’s most definitely a keeper and Sommers did a fantastic job bringing it back to life.

The thrift store find below is another great example of a diamond in the rough — how could someone have given up such a beautiful piece in the first place? Such is the magic of thrift stores… I hope this has inspired you to hunt through a few local ones as well — or like me, refashion your current furniture to give it a new lease on life! Take care!

Ruthie Sommers Before & After: Parlor Chairs

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