A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Pepper Design Blog Guest Interview: Full House

I’m delighted to bring you Pepper’s featured guest blog interview this week… Christina of Full House!

It’s such a pleasure to host Christina for an interview after having the privilege of ‘peeking’ into her design & family world on a regular reading basis (she’s one of my favorite rss feeds). Christina writes a heartfelt, soulful blog on the daily happiness of her family as well as the conquers of her house decorating quest. She is lucky enough to have a full house indeed — Christina’s includes a set of twin girls and triplet boys! If you’ve ever played poker or yahtzee, then you can appreciate the fortitude of this particular ‘roll in the game of life’.

I know that after reading Christina’s wonderful interview {and viewing her hand-picked images that represent her style} you’ll be a regular follower as well.

Viva Full House Interview - Family

Full House is inspiring to me because it is truly written from the heart and is often encouraged by life’s daily grind. Everyday happenings influence full blown, beautiful home decor inspiration! Christina often showcases very glam rooms — but replicates the ideas on a budget that all of us can appreciate. Check out her DIY geometric whiteboard and felt lampshade inspiration, just two examples that I loved so much I had to post about them!

Visit her blog for DIY designs such as her paper sunburst mirrors (below). Swoon.

Full House Interview - Design

What’s more, Christina is seriously chic — you’ve never seen such a posh mommy of 5 little ones (did you see the amazing family photo above?). I have copied more than one fashion tip from this trendy lady!

I’m going to hand this interview over now so that we can jump right in as Christina shares more on her decorating style, favorite tips and what has inspired her to be the fabulous blogger she is today!

PDB Guest Interview with Viva Full House

{Lonny Magazine}


{PDB Interview with Christina of Full House}


What inspires your design style?

There is boundless inspiration all around just waiting to happen. I am so inspired by shapes, architectural details, colors & nature. I remember as a little girl driving through Grand Canyon country observing the beautiful cliffs & mesas. If you look closely the blue sky makes such a great backdrop to all of the different shades of purples, browns, corals, oranges & creamy whites. In my head I was already designing a make-up line (packaging & all) based on all of the colors that I saw that day. Later on in that thought process, I came to the conclusion that I would have to eventually expand that make-up line by becoming a world traveler because I would need more inspiration for different colors and they would all have to be named after the places that I went to.

Viva Full House Interview - Grand Canyon

{Grand Canyon image credited to USA George}

So overall I think that color & travel has influenced my design style the most. I am also very inspired by history thus having a love of antique/vintage furniture & clothing. I’m a big fan of going to 1st Dibs for inspiration. They spared no details back in the day. There is something to appreciate in every time era. I do have to say that I have always felt that I would fit into the glamour era, coming out of the Great Depression so that seems to influence my design style a bit. The shapes and architectual details that came from Frank Lloyd Wright (below) are inspirational as well. Where do I stop…..

Interview with Viva Full House - Frank Lloyd Wright

{Pictures of Frank Lloyd Wright’s rooms: I Go U Go and Just Above Sunset}

What do you love most about what you do?

The biggest thing that I do right now is balancing Motherhood while still having creative outlets. With motherhood has come an urge to cultivate my creative side even more. I find myself crafting like never before and wanting to decorate my home. I have found great joy in putting together our home on such a budget. In my opinion it takes a little more creativity to decorate that way. Which leads me to thrifting. Most of the treasures in my home have come from Craigslist, second hand stores, Home Goods & TJ Maxx and it has been highly satisfying. Searching for treasures is therapeautic and good for my soul. It makes me love what I do so much. Another thing that I do is keep a blog. That as well has made what I do fun. It is an outlet and helps to catalog thoughts on some of my passions…plus I have made some great blogging friends who share my same interests. Always so great to make those connections and it makes the world seem a little smaller. There are so many inspiring people (especially women) out there.

My kids have really helped me to love what I do as a Mom because they have given me an opportunity to learn how to love and serve more fully. Lots of satisfying life lessons have been learned through this venture & it’s been a very refining process. It’s also very satisfying to know that I can do things that I never thought I could do. Motherhood is not always the easiest so when I experience little successes along the way I am on cloud nine. I love that being a Mom makes me feel stronger. Also when you try to look through the eyes of a child it makes things more magical & you want to celebrate the “ordinary” a little more.

I love being a Mom especially when I get to fill my cup with my creative outlets.

Full House Interview - Etsy

{Floral pin from Christina’s Etsy shop: Madame Pumphrey}

What are your favorite design trends?

Hmmm…probably one of my favorite design trends in both home decor & fashion is mixing vintage with modern. Some people call it the “new traditional”.

Love the subway tile trend.

Interview with Full House - Subway Tiles {Kitchen from Better Homes & Gardens}

Geometric shapes found in furniture and fabric design.

Full House Interview - Zig Zag 2

A splash of mid-century modern.

Full House Interview - Mid Century Modern

Grey walls.

Viva Full House - Grey Walls

Ethnic influence in fabrics and decor (ex. leather Moroccan poofs, IKAT, suzani etc.)

PDB Interview with Full House

a{Lonny Magazine}

Still loving ZIG ZAG and I haven’t kicked my love of Greek key yet.

PDB Interview with Full House - Zig Zag

{Picture from Coco Kelly}

What are three design suggestions that you would like to offer our readers?

Being that I am not an expert in design, this question was the hardest for me to answer. I do however find great fulfillment in design so here goes:

{1} When decorating try to incorporate sentimental things. They never go out of style because you love them and they are meaningful. Also don’t be afraid to approach design in a high/low fashion. It’s great to get that investment piece but don’t be afraid to mix with items from a discount or thrift store. Some of the best items that have the most character have come from unsuspecting places. It’s great to have some cheap trendy filler items but don’t forget “quality over quantity”.

{2.} Take a risk even if that means your style will stand out in a crowd. If you like something then go for it. Try to remain true to your self and don’t worry about what everybody else is doing.

{3} Don’t over look the details. Accessories combined with make-up and a great hair cut can fool that best of ’em. It doesn’t matter if you’ve purchased a black dress from Wal-Mart or from Barney’s if you’ve learn how to individualize your look with all of the above mentioned details. The same goes for remembering the details in party planning & home decor. Details individualize any event. Don’t forget though that sometimes less is more.

Full House Interview - Party

{Image by Lollipop Events & Designs}

Thank you, Christina!

PDB Full House Interview - Christina

{Christina poses with several of her beautiful Etsy creations – this photo and the image of Christina’s family by Sweet Moments Design}

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