A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Halloween Inspiration Recap & Dessert Appetizer Buffet Table

Halloween was a blast! I thought I’d share a few pictures on the details of the event (and a follow-up on my ‘dead floral arrangements’… as promised). My apologies in advance for the sub-par pictures, I snapped as many as I could before the sun finally set (oh, winter!).

Friends filled in the table with all sorts of yummy treats for the evening… but here’s the start of our appetizer/dessert buffet.

Halloween Lion

And my puppy as the King of the Jungle. Roar. He was such a sport to wear his homemade mane all night long!

Halloween Dead Floral Arrangements

Follow the jump for more party pics from our Halloween evening!

Halloween Dead Floral Arrangements

The black floral trees and flowers were so much fun to make — and I thought they worked out well as a neat centerpiece alternative.

Halloween Split Peas Dead Floral Arrangements

I love unique vase fillers and these dried green peas were perfect! Fill your larger vase with a smaller container/cup to stretch your vase filler supplies.

Halloween Inspiration "Dead Floral Arrangements"

The finished centerpieces!

Halloween Dessert Buffet

For the dessert table I made a few homemade treats but also took learned-lessons from last year’s all-day-in-the-kitchen Halloween — semi-sweet cooking works great, too! Orange candy and ghost meringues (a bit of melted chocolate in a pastry bag — I used a plastic ziplock bag with an itty bitty cut in the corner on store bought meringues) did the trick!

Halloween Dessert Buffet: Deviled Eggs

I found this great spider deviled egg idea over at HWTM! They were very easy to make and were gone in about two seconds.

Halloween Inspiration: Mini Caramel Apple Pops

I attempted these ‘mini caramel apple pops’ — note to next creator: freeze until party begins! I had a bit of a melt down. These are made from cutting round apple bites from whole apples (a melon baller works well), adding a lollipop stick (from your craft store) and dipping in melted caramel. Here’s a helpful How-To. A great fall treat!

Lining lampshades with black bat cut-outs created a spooky effect:

Halloween Inspiration: Batty Lampshades

We froze green olive halves in cocktail onions in ice cubes to add ‘eye ball’ ice cubes to water — made a lovely bloody mary for my hubby the next day! Would be great in martinis too!

Halloween Inspiration: Eyeball Icecubes

Halloween Friends


Friends came in great costumes, and we had so much fun! Above are four of our friends from the event — and the adorable gnome who was a wee bit tired after such a long day. And that’s a quick overview of our Halloween fiesta!

Halloween Inspiration: Bodie the Lyon

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7 comments on “Halloween Recap: Fun Decor & Yummy Treats

  • kudzu

    lovely ideas, i see so many i can use for my own home.i love the bats in the lamp, i’ll let the grandkids cut those out; i don’t like olives, but no matter, those deviled eggs are awesome, and i’ll pick the olives off later :D and i’m sure they’d love the mini caramel apples.
    and HA! my daughter just had a baby a month ago; she is afraid of lawn gnomes and clowns. she’s going to come home one day and find my grandson dressed as a gnome. she’ll scream and maybe cry; it’ll be GREAT!

    • Morgan Post author

      Thanks so much! Glad you like it :). I found a thin, furry fabric at my local Joann’s that I cut into strips and layered with a hand stitch. It was great because it started to curl naturally and was super easy to make! You could definitely use fleece as well — I originally was planning on using felt when I came across the line of ‘animal prints’ at the store. It was perfect!

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