This year we dyed eggs the old fashioned way with food coloring (though I’m still loving every bit of last year’s experiment) but with brown eggs instead of white because it happened to be what was in the fridge. The colors though! So cool! It was an unexpected treat.
In other news, it’s been way busy around here but most often in unexpected, good ways. I look forward to sharing the update in my 1 second video project most.
Just to get more creative juices flowing, here are some links to wander through if you’d like to check them out:
Really cool DIY dip dyed candle holders.
Rainbow felt ball coasters (instant smile while pouring morning coffee).
Mini blueberry skillet pies for the win.
Two big changes for Instagram: doing away with chronological feeds, the ability to be logged into multiple IG accounts at the same time.
Do you ever use Graphic River? This font is pretty awesome.
For whatever strange reason, peeps rock my world. It’s peep season here in t minus 3 days.
I read this post last year and raised both hands off of the computer and up into the air with a resounding ‘yes!’. So much sense. And for the record, these are hands down my favorite and the only guys really to live in my drawer.
Similarly, I read a review on a blog somewhere about this time last year and bit the bullet to try this bra out. So glad I did.
So creative: a neon letter light.
New blog discovery that’s resonating with me right now.
A creative use for all of that holiday candy.
I’m in a bit of a don’t-need-to-buy-anything mode right now but this spring dress is so pretty. Ditto with this one. (if only to have a reason, right?)
Yes to these sandals right now (and these ones too).
Currently working on choosing art and b& w prints of the girls for the bedroom remodel, recently conquered plants and other little bits for the master bathroom portion. baby steps.
Also, looking for a durable, comfortable, won’t-show-dirt-too-fast tennis shoe to wear without socks this summer. Gave bensimons a try (found em consignment) but haven’t been sold. Should I head back to keds? The perfect sneaker is out there somewhere…
Happy restful weekend :). I hope that it’s a joyous and happy one for you and your family! We have family in from out of town so I’m hoping there’s lots of catching up and some stay-cation exploring.

Yes, I love the eggs too! I have to try and remember to do that with my boy tomorrow! Also, I don’t know how I feel about IG using an algorithm now, I feel like I miss so much when technology guesses what I want to see!!
Thanks so much for the links! :) Have a fabulous weekend.
xo Michael (IBC)
Those eggs are beautiful! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter full of lots of fun!