Oooh I have infusion fever. Once you start you just can’t stop, there are too many creative and easy ideas out there. My next big project is a custom salt (inspired by the one that I currently love) with ingredients that are readily available from the kitchen or yard.
Rather than a straight sea salt, which can get very strong very fast, I created a Kosher and sea salt blend with dried lavender and lemon.
PS the last big infusion project included olive oil and rosemary, you can find it right here.
This is the perfect top salt for a finished dish – sprinkle on roasted chicken, raw salads, sliced tomatoes, avocados, in olive oil and vinegar with toasted baguettes… you name it. One of my favorite uses? Bruschetta.
An added bonus is that this was so very easy to whip up – even easier than my rosemary infused olive oil! And it doesn’t need ages to infuse, either. You could use the finished salt right away (ideal for a last minute gift) or allow to sit for a more intense mingling of flavors.
Lavender & Lemon Sea Salt
Materials for six 3.4oz jars: 10-15 fresh lavender sprigs, grated rind of one lemon (more is optional), 1 pound sea salt, 1 pound kosher salt, small glass bottles/jars with a sealable lid
As mentioned above I chose a blend for my salts, Celtic sea salt as the dominate flavor and a standard Kosher to help balance out the taste buds (Kosher is an excellent everyday cooking salt). Granulated salt is extra important here! Table salt just won’t be the same.
As far as my little containers go, I picked up a 12 pack of these 3.4 oz spice jars (though I might try this cute corked version next time).
I chose lavender and lemon as my concentrated flavor mix, though you could really substitute any delicious herb or infusion here (the sky’s the limit!). Lavender was an easy pick because we grow it right in our front yard.
As with the rosemary from last week, I thoroughly soaked my lavender clippings in a bowl of water for about an hour and then rinsed to ensure that all I had left was fresh and clean sprigs.
Then I lined them up on a cookie sheet (covered in foil) and popped the sprigs into the oven at 200 degrees until they were nicely dried (there’s no precise time here, but maybe 2 hours ish).
When they came out, they were ready to go!
I stripped the leaves from the stems and discarded any extra crispy pieces. I added the dried lavender leaves and fresh lemon rind to my Kosher salt:
And spread the entire mixture out onto my cookie sheet once again for another round of light toasting. The goal now is for the Kosher salt to bake with the lavender and lemon, and also for our lemon rind to dry out completely (to avoid any bacteria growth in our salt containers).
Once my mixture is sufficiently dried out, I added the infused blend to my raw sea salt and mixed well.
I used a small spoon (a baby spoon or cocktail spoon) to add the mixture to each of my little jars.
I made matching labels for the sea salt mixture (similar to my olive oil labels) and applied a sticky backing (available at most craft stores) to create mini stickers for the front of each jar. Here’s a link to a downloadable pdf with a generic version of the below labels if you’d like to print out a version for yourself, and you can always email me for the .ai file to substitute your own name.
Then I cut the stickers into tiny squares and applied to each jar:
Sure is delicious with just crudités and olive oil!
That’s two infused projects down and a couple of more handmade gifts to go… happy cooking!
PS You can find the line up of this year’s handmade projects by sorting all posts here.

This is wonderful! I plan to include your rosemary olive oil and this salt into gifts for my wedding party. Would you mind sending me the file for the labels of both with our names on them? We are Emilee and Edgar :) Thanks for your generosity of ideas!
Dear Morgan,
You are terrific, and so generous, to share these wonderful recipes, labels, and gift ideas! I too, had plenty of rosemary and lavender in my garden and I was looking for a way to share them with friends and family. The Rosemary infused oil & lavender lemon sea salt are perfect Holiday gifts and hostess gifts year round too!
Wishing you a happy & healthy New Year,
Hi! I love all your diy posts! Thank you for sharing. Would it be possible for you to send me your label file with my name on it and Rosemary instead of lavender? I had to substitute. Thank you!
Hi Morgan!
I have a question.. (maybe a stupid question hehe) but the photos of herbs are lavander or rosemary?
I’m Spanish and I don’t know if I understand correctly.. Thanks!
Good eye, Mireia! They are actually lavender but an unusual garden variety that we just happened to be growing in our yard. They look very similar to rosemary as their leaves shape outwards in a similar fashion, unlike traditional lavender which looks much more ‘stalkish’.
Thank you Morgan!
I think it will be difficult for me to find that kind of lavender
What do you think about using rosemary instead of lavender?
Hi Mireia, you could definitely use any type of lavender that you have available to you, or rosemary or any other herb. It would be so yummy with rosemary!
Dear Morgan, Could you please send me the ai file so I can substitute my name? Thanks :)
Dear Morgan,
I love your Infusion fever!
Pls can you send me Labels for salt an oil and if possible also Fonts for privat using?
Thank you so much!
Have a nice day!
Would you be able to send me the file as well? I am considering making these for our wedding favors. Thanks a lot!
Hi Morgan, I would love to make my own salt/herb for gifts (and myself!). Would you please email the file so I can substitute my name. Thank you! PS: What program do you use to design your own labels?
Sure! I’ve also sent out the labels to all of those that have requested below.
I purchased lemon olive oil in Door County, Wi for gifts, but the cost is so high that I can’t do it every year. My giftee”s (my own word) liked the lemon and would like to make some more with lemon to give as gifts.. Do I use fresh lemon juice,grated lemon rinds, any ideas would be of great help.
You have a great site. Thanks
Hi Sandra, in my version of this I used grated lemon rind and it worked out well – I hope that helps!
Hi there!
Can you please send me the ai file so I can substitute my name? Thanks :)
I’m so excited to try this, I’m putting in a all homemade gift basket for Christmas!
Hi Morgan
Can you please send me the ai file so I can substitute my name? Thanks :)
On their way!
Hi Morgan,
please could you send me the ai file so I can substitute my name? Thanks :)
Hi Morgan! I am loving your blog and dying to make the lavender-lemon sea salt for gifts. Can you please send me the ai file so I can substitute my name? Thanks so much!!
Hi Stephanie! sent you the file :).
Oh, yum! I’ve got some leftover dried lavender and I think this would be a fantastic addition to our cupboard. Not to mention I bet it smells fantastic in the oven. Thanks for sharing!