Liv is ONE! Can you believe it has been one whole year since Liv entered this world? I can’t believe how fast this year has flown by – that’s a repeat sentence from at least three of my last four posts – but it really has.
She is such a big girl now! It’s amazing to think back to this time last year…
Liv’s due date was actually December 29, but just as mommy hoped, she waited until mid-January to meet us (I had my fingers crossed she wouldn’t have to share her birthday with Christmas…). Her birth was uncomplicated and short (don’t let that fool you…) with just Kevin, a midwife and a nurse at a local birthing center that’s within a hospital. Read more about her welcome story here.
And her first hospital pics here. Our first week home with her was a new but not difficult adjustment. She was a good little sleeper, eater and oh so easy on the eyes.
It’s also hard to imagine that it’s been 12 entire months since I sported this crazy round belly bump waiting anxiously for her arrival… this feels like just a couple of months ago.
But alas she is indeed a big girl now. She began crawling at 6 months, walking at 9 months and she hasn’t slowed down a bit. Now she mumbles and carries on baby conversations and totes a doll around the house. She’s a toddler. How did that happen so quickly?
Eileen (my mother-in-love) and I set up this little birthday photo shoot. How awesome is that handmade wooden wagon she has to store Liv’s toy’s at her house.
By the way, I heard about the free Photoshop Action sets by Pioneer Woman from Young House Love. The above is Old West at 60% plus upping the brightness quite a bit. It’s the neatest, easiest way to add special effects to your photos.
I’m so excited to celebrate Liv’s birthday with family and friends this coming weekend! Will keep you posted on what I have up my sleeve for her party.
Olivia has been an amazing blessing in our lives and we feel so awesomely privileged to have been given the opportunity to raise her and to love her with everything we’ve got. Happy birthday, baby girl!

Happy Birthday Precious! :)So cute and so full of life and adventure!
Oh she’s adorable. Congratulations on making it to a whole year! It’s gone so fast!!
Oh my goodness she is adorable!! Sadly time doesn’t slow down, our little one will be six in the spring and we can not believe it. Have fun with your birthday girl!
Happy birthday to Olivia- she is adorable, just like her mom. She looks like such a sweetie. Have a great party with your family & friends! :)
She’s the cutest girl! Mine is 7 months old now, I can’t believe how fast this is going…
But she doesn’t want to crawl at all :)
Happy 1st Birthday to sweet lil’ Liv! She is such a beautiful baby girl, and becoming such a BIG girl now ~ it’s sure hard to believe it’s been a full year ago since you were ‘counting the days’ till she arrived!!
Babies are nothing short of special miracles in our lives…
Happy Birthday Liv!!! We love you!
Happy Birthday Liv!!!! She’s such an adorable little girl! Have a fun birthday, can’t wait to hear about it ;)
Wow, she’s a total cutie pie! Happy birthday LIv.
I can’t believe it’s been a year already! You were the most adorable pregnant chick.
Sara, you just totally made my night.
She’s so darling! Happy Birthday! :)
It is crazy how fast they grow – she is adorable!
I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of months now, and followed the link today to your birth story. I’m almost 38wks myself with our first baby, so I’ve been reading a lot of them lately :)
I didn’t realize you were right here in my “little town” of San Diego. My husband and I are planning to have a UCSD Birth Center birth sometime in the next few weeks also, for what sounds like the same reason you chose it…it’s our first one, so I’d like to be in a hospital, but not in an L&D area. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Kelly, We really enjoyed our experience at the birth center at UCSD! It felt a little more hospital-ish than I had originally expected, but I guess it is a hospital after all. Best of luck with the last few weeks of your pregnancy and your birth! If you have any questions, feel free to throw em my way. One piece of advice I can offer is that I was really looking forward to their complimentary doula, but none was available during my delivery. If you’re counting on a doula I might suggest hiring one. Take care!